
“It’s that Woo WOOOOO!!” “You’re supposed to be up cooking breffas in the morning!”

oh look, those children are coloring the new Explorer with a rock.

Will there be a retrofit? Will there be a buyback? Will people return 1500's and Grand Cherokees missing doors and side panels? Is anyone going to jail? I have so many questions. Will they have to sell Ducat....oh wait, wrong company.

thank you

Get ready for the “How dare you, sir!” comments. 

Proper motorcycle boots are the only correct answer, a good pair will last you a lifetime (but cost a small fortune). Pants have always been a grey area for me. Unless they have braces or armor in them, a pair of good jeans is doable.

Are they really that stressed about meeting delivery targets? It’s the US postal service. Are they going to fire someone that is doing their job to the best of their ability? Seems like they should hire more people.

5280 vs 5604 feet? I know this was comedy but someone is going to remember an incorrect number in a watercooler discussion.

Easy to search. How many vin numbers were produced from x date to y date. Random check of numbers in-between for registered cars. There are no model 3's sitting on floors unsold.

The most entertaining answer and the only one to make me LOL.

I read another story similar except the other guy built the tower and fell off, died. First time player got first.

“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” applies to both sides. I’m not saying that guy should get painful cancer but never-ending kidney stones is definitely on the table.

But you’ll “forget” your laptop at home and expect the IT department to give you a loaner. I’m projecting on actual life events of supporting engineers..sorry.

It was a good drag car in FM7 too.

Pretty sure that’s a miata.

Man I hope it bleeds radiator fluid into the transmission like my Pathfinder did.

Nice. That controller is expensive! I thought about it though.

Exactly. I’ll take the PC with xbox controller over bogarting the family tv any day. 32 in curved 4k monitor does swimmingly for gaming.

This should be the top comment. Wny are you at the bottom?

I couldn’t get Richard Parker out of my head reading the whole article. Bengal Tiger and life boat be damned.