Three Fisted Humdinger

I'm super late to the party but I feel the need to point out that Soul Calibur II, even to this day, never patched out the fuzzy guard that renders you invulnerable to 99% of your opponent's attacks and is consequently the worst game in the series on a strictly gameplay-related basis.

It IS difficult - we made it more so for Americans in response to America getting antsy about the border in 2002 and giving Canadians a hard time about government-issued IDs until nothing short of a passport was good enough.

We still have meatspin.

T.J. Miller is the Rusty Shackleford of the real world.

1) Canadian. I vote liberal.

Or maybe we can realize that social media is by-and-large horseshit and focus on actually talking to people again.

So you can't prove your claim, then. We're done here.

There's a lot of assumptions being put into play here, though.

Still not seeing any source on those numbers.

I'm gobsmacked at your logic. Where are you getting THOSE numbers? How can you possibly think you just subtract one dodgy figure for a completely different device from another? How are people working for free in this lunatic scenario? Why is the R&D cost $0? What the fuck are you smoking?

Where are you getting that number?

PS4 Pro with a 4K Blu Ray player in it would have cost too much for Sony, probably. They've been spooked for years about "Five hundred and ninety-nine US dollars" since the last console generation and most likely didn't want to be the ones with the most expensive console out there again.

Now You See M3: Henley's Revenge


"When You Wish Upon a Drone" doesn't have that same ring to it, though.

But please, tell us what you really think of these recording artists.

Hitting the wire and having your dart flip backwards onto the floor is far more unsatisfying than scoring 35 points.

That sounds…very of its time.

Here's a query for anyone who remembers the Apple IIGS days: