
“You’re making a lot of assumptions, dude.” 

God, you’re childish. It’s kinda funny in a sad way.

I mean, aren’t you and Whedon the type of people who think being sexist is bad? If thousands of people were calling you misogynistic, sexist, horrible, and a hack writer, I imagine you would feel terrible. If you’ve spent your whole life being against sexism. but one shitty script and accusations of infidelity cause

Except, we have to examine what people are actually talking about with this bad script.

You know cheating on your wife isn’t a sign of misogyny, right?

It’s not just “criticism,” darling. People were actually suggesting he was a misogynistic pig because of an unproduced script!!! There were Twitter threads with *thousands* of likes about how horrible and sexist he is; the dude is ON twitter, he clearly saw the tweets. Imagine if people were tweeting about how

He looks more like a worm.

Criticism of an unproduced script where everyone basically insinuates the writer is a raging misogynist and a hack? Fuck off with that shit. People were acting like babies over something that never turned into a feature film.

“Putting effort into working to not mistreat innocent people is a waste of your time? It’s too much work to learn how to not be offensive, so you just can’t be bothered to try?”

The issue with current hysteria of offensive words, political correctness, and free speech (philosophically) is directly linked to the connected world. Since everybody is now both performer and audience because of the net, constantly consuming each other’s opinions, there is this perverted expectation that every word


I wasn’t really focusing just on Trump (he’s arguably just the most extreme, ridiculous, pathetic, racist, sexist, and frankly, dumb version of this problem). I was focusing more on the idea that politically inexperienced, but extremely famous, individuals constantly gunning for political positions they have, in no

I like Nixon, she would be (along with virtually anyone else) better than Cuomo. Still, do we really need another celebrity getting jettisoned into office, one with no former experience from what I can understand?

I meant a diversified audience of geeks, not the actual references (though there are arguments to be made about that, too). Wade’s doesn’t have any white male friends in the film, and I thought that was a good thing. It shows how nerds are a diverse group. 

Housewives is also at its best when they’re just straight up weird, like Scary Island or the Berkshires.

Can we please just get more recaps/responses to the wonderfully perverse Vanderpump Rules? Last night’s episode was an actual masterpiece, it that’s possible for reality tv.

Hey, it’s not just a last gasp for white pop culture, it’s also...uhhh...got a queer black woman in it! Some asian kids...and...a lady with some irritated skin around her eye!

Ehh, might do well enough on video to justify some sequel, but that’s unlikely.

Maybe they’ll retcon if a second movie gets made? The virus might get explained as partially mystical (or at least fantastic). I do think it would fit the movie(s) better if their were some mysticism.

I think the problem with introducing actual supernatural/magical elements into the film is that it would necessitate a (really) longer run time. If the film followed the game, Himiko would be the main antagonist, and that is easy to introduce slowly over a period of a 10-15 hour narrative, not a 2 hour film.