
“The outfit is completely CG.”

I also use Deluge, it’s great!

AudioEngine A2. They are tiny, internally amplified desk top monitors. They do not have a Sub but the current model does have a Sub out. Even with out the sub-woofer the bass is well balanced. They will not shake a room but are great office speakers for those offices that allow them. Their imaging is excellent for

AudioEngine A2. They are tiny, internally amplified desk top monitors. They do not have a Sub but the current model

Kraven in glasses doing school bureaucracy.

That seems like an unnecessary blow.

We get it, you're trying to be cool.

$600? Not a fan of that price.

The salute is whatever Cap says it is.

I just browsed through her facebook album. Her other cosplays are totes adorbz, too. She’s a complete dork in the best possible meaning of the word.

Yeah CS:GO runs Source still. It’s had bells and whistles tacked on but at it’s core it is still the same old Source engine from 2004. Thing is, Source can look fucking beautiful when it needs to. The issue is always optimization and your target market.

There is an xkcd for everything.

Yet another person who does not understand the concept of free speech:

No, not really. That isn’t what “freedom of speech” means.

Kylie Minogue can still get it. Damn she ages well.

Now playing

I’d use any software that featured GLaDOS as the verbal assistant. And when you’re finished, i’d hope she’d sing this:

To be fair, in DBZ, the good guys always ask the bad guys if they can take the fight to uninhabited areas and the bad guys always comply.

Well everyone is going on about it being a Cloverfield sequel. And then when the Cloverfield monster does not show up they are going to get all grumpy, so his statement seems pretty legit: “Not going to give it away, but not same monster, so stop thinking it is.”

Thank you for the great input! This makes total sense, actually, for people who aren’t a fan of grilling or who don’t have the “knack”, and I've met a ton of people that fit those specs!

What a misleading title. I was hoping there would be a 4-ish inch phone.