
They don’t think that. They just think they’ve got years of modernization to catch up on and won’t let crappy useless stuff like air quality slow them down.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Yeah the low expectations are nice. I’ve never been more unexcited for a comic book movie in my life. This movie just consistently underwhelms at best and looks terrible at worst. I will still see it and hope that I’m surprised though.

385 for a 18 year Yamazaki...someone knows his whiskey.


Since he was testing common builds, front fans are generally intake, back and top exhaust to create a flow down-up, front-to-back.

Sweet! That always made me wonder how it selects which dart to fire.

The fact he’s asking seems to imply he doesn’t know enough about the existing law or how the internet works to figure it out for himself, so the title still fits as far as I’m concerned.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with “Everything in Moderation”, and it is a tried-and-true rule that’s been around so long for a good reason; it works. It’s not a trap, but it does require honesty in order to work.

The depressing part, for me, is that even though I’m in the top 20%, that means 80% of this country is doing worse than me, and I’m still struggling.

Mainstream film critics at the time were barely tolerating movies based on comic books, much less one that deconstructed the medium while acknowledging its importance to mass culture. I remember my geeky circle of friends really loving or at least appreciating this film at the time, but the culture at large just did

Never understood why this movie got the hate and poor reviews that it did. I loved it and all the wink, wink, nod, nod comic book superhero references. The way Bruce Willis’s rain slicker made him look like he was wearing a cape? Brilliant. Little things that that.

At first I wasn’t worried as much because the action is obviously clear, but you make excellent points and have added 2 hash marks to my mental Ted Cruz Is A Dangerous Putz column.

I see what you mean, but there’s one important thing that differentiates the two: Trek was all but dead when Abrams was tasked with rebooting it. DC Comics, though playing second to Marvel, was still chugging along putting out new stuff - and a lot of it was really good.

Put ice water in it, if it gets condensation on the outside, it’s not double walled.

Put ice water in it, if it gets condensation on the outside, it’s not double walled.

I don’t really understand these complaints about the xbox:

From what I understand, you regain access to your “free” games if your membership lapses and you renew.

Dry soil is more susceptible mudslides when it does finally rain. California droughts are typically followed by severe mudslides as a result.

This... is just... beautiful.

Indeed - Kenji's analysis is sound, although it's important to differentiate a critical point: Kenji's proposal is that brining is NO BETTER THAN salting, which is the truth when it comes to moisture. Brining adds moisture to meat, while salting prevents it from escaping.