
Be careful with comparisons between GPGPU and CPU performance numbers. Both state theoretical maximums for the platforms, but in general are programmed differently with different applications. One tends to be slower(relatively) in single instructions processing, but massively parallel. The other the opposite.

A link to his reviews:

I understand that it’s not for everybody, but it is nice to have. Think of it like having a mouse. Sure for a regular mouse there is click, then there is right click. But then there are the fancy mice that adds 1, 2, 3... 16 other buttons. Nobody actually needs those extra buttons, their extra functions can be

At the end. “S.A.S.E”

Also(and is not mentioned in the article) if you do another hard press after the cursor is up you can start selecting words. It doesn’t allow you to select individual characters only whole words, but it does make quick cut/copy operations possible.

This. Turn all that off it’s garbage. But if you are looking to sync your library you should be looking for iTunes Match as that is what it’s for. Also iTunes Match hasn’t let me down like Apple Music has. Boo Apple Music Booooooo.

I believe there are similar holes on all the sides. They are presumably for the 4 microphones they set up so that it can listen for OK Google commands from whereever.

Sorta true. Other non 6s devices need to be plugged in to power (and set up) before Hey Siri will work. 6s’s don’t have to be.

Some of this I agree with and others I don’t. For me 4:3 is a no brainer. In the ~8-10” form factor 4:3 makes reading a more comfortable experience(no crowding on web pages and fits static pages from like comic books better). If you still want 16:9/10 the Tab S still exists. This tablet is obviously better suited for

I have this model drive and while it get’s very close to the port, it does flare nicely enough that you can get a good grip on it to remove it. It’s not flat like other terrible designs, this one can be taken out pretty easily.

You sir are absolutely correct. My statement is more just that it’s part of Pebble’s capabilities, not that it’s strictly necessary. =)

In fact there is a need for an ambient light sensor. epaper displays need a backlight when in the dark. The ambient light sensor tells the watch when it’s okay to light the backlight or to stay off to conserve battery. It’s an on/off proposition not a light strength meter.

As has this been pointed out on other websites. Current OLED tv’s can theoretically burn-in. However in practice it is rare, unless you are extraordinarily unattentive. For example the current LG models will dim the screen if there is static content on the screen for any length of time meaning you would need to leave

Yes the amazon basics ones are fantastic. Some of them are just repackaged Eneloops which most people would say are one of the best that you can buy, but from amazon they are cheaper.

Bonus points for taking the time to spell Häkke correctly(with the umlaut)

The long continuous use may have something to do with it. I also am at my desk for 9+ hours but I split my time on 2 machines. Still I get 2.5-3 weeks out of mine, but again I split my time. I also changed out the battery at some point, just because I could, but for you it might make a difference?

The long continuous use may have something to do with it. I also am at my desk for 9+ hours but I split my time on 2

Mostly correct. As a long time mobile developer I can say yeah push notificatins are created and sent from a server through Apple’s push notification service and then to the device. So they wouldn’t be affected by background app refresh. However there is also local notifications which are generated by the app and

Probably a good thing to do anyways, as your email may have been used for registration as a mistake or malicious purposes. Always good to know what information is out there.

Oh I absolutely agree with you. This is definitely a thing on iOS, but I also understand from a security point of view why apple is cautious with it.