
I have a German Shepard mix and he is easily the cutest thing on the planet. But he's still a puppy and feels like he needs to get the attention of his new friends by barking at them and running up to them. We're still working on his energy level, but he has never ever harmed anyone or been aggressive at all, he just

I'm not sure how it's calculating the needed brightness but iPhones use an ambient light sensor located near the front camera (always located on the front but moves slightly in position between iphone generation)

I think that even though it's not currently in production, there should at least be a mention of Matchstick. Similar specs to the Fire TV stick, similar functionality of chromecast out of the box but completely open for development... plus oh so cheap for now. They've hit their crowdfunding goal quite a while ago, but

Generally I agree with you but there are few points that aren't really mentioned that directly affect this feeling. First is the fact that the thinness of the iPad air, it's just perceived easier to hold at the same weight if the device is thinner and has rounded edges. Second is weight distribution. If you

The key... do not turn off your light bulb for 50+ years ;)

"Because don't." Truer words have never been spoken.

Preface: I'm a systems engineer for a mobile development firm mostly working on business related apps with quite a few apps written under my belt. I've dealt with Android since 2.2 and iOS since 2.0 (also BB and WinMo, but don't get me started on those).

Eve (http://www.eveirrigation.com/) would have been your answer. As it is right now, they didn't get enough funding through kickstarter but it looks like they are still planning on shipping next year with different backing. They have direct integration with several systems including my personal favorite, SmartThings.

Not quite. I have the smart scoop shown. It's normally open in which you have to squeeze in order to close it and scoop the ice cream. Put it over the bowl and release and the scoop opens and ice cream drops down. You don't need to push a button and you don't need 2 hands. Squeeze, scoop, release, repeat.

Some of the information (and I only mean some) is pretty standard fare for most business utilities. Which screens you go to and what orientation you hold your phone most of the time are just good app analytics to help the developer understand where they should be focusing effort to make the app better for the user.

Just to reiterate what someone else said. You don't even need the app if you're just looking for the vibrating turn hint. Just google maps and it's notifications will buzz your wrist for turns. I use it occasionally at it works great.

Yup. When I take my dog out for long walks, my pebble has kept me on course thanks to google maps and it's gentle buzzing.

I could agree with this more. push push push push... *EEEKS*... push push push... awwww yeah.

I'd agree with both wekilledbambi and you good sir. My company always recommends that the min requirement be at least 4.0, but sometimes a client will absolutely insist on getting a greater percentage of users so we have to go down to 2.3 or less. It's painful trying to replicate bugs on esoteric devices you don't

Unfortunately the only way is for the person in the aisle seat to get up and out of the way in the aisle. Depending on the size of the passengers I find this is how it already works on crowded plane trips.

Let me just be one of the first to say, regardless of other Grimes songs, regardless of Happy, regardless of Rihanna, regardless of it being summer... I like it.

Agree with you on all counts. I use my pebble all the time. I would think it would be very neat if any android wear devices would work with iOS but holding my breathe isn't something I'm gonna do. Previous android based watches like Sony's smartwatch and Samsung's Gear watches have no compatibility with iOS which is a

Really this all depends on how it's really implemented. I don't know this for sure but they could just make it so that when scanning for an AP it'll send a randomized MAC address. Once you've connected to one or are using a saved AP you'd be sending the saved MAC address for that AP that should never change. That'll

I'm with you. Never really had a problem with it, using since the early days of the 360 before netflix was a glimmer in the xbox team's eyes. I've been fortunate to have both the 360 and a ps3 although I ended up using the 360 more since more of my friends have a 360 and in any case the service has been a lot more