
Preface: I'm a systems engineer for a mobile development firm mostly working on business related apps with quite a few apps written under my belt. I've dealt with Android since 2.2 and iOS since 2.0 (also BB and WinMo, but don't get me started on those).

Eve (http://www.eveirrigation.com/) would have been your answer. As it is right now, they didn't get enough funding through kickstarter but it looks like they are still planning on shipping next year with different backing. They have direct integration with several systems including my personal favorite, SmartThings.

I could agree with this more. push push push push... *EEEKS*... push push push... awwww yeah.

I know others have answered this... but what you are explaining is not background refresh. You are talking about automatic install to install new versions of apps. Background refresh is all about updating the app content.

See this is exactly the thing, and it's very situational. If previously a street had a problem with people running the red light at high speed then a camera will help save lives. A couple places here in Sacramento are notorious for having a lot of speed demons. On the other hand where I live where it's fairly quiet

DGino is correct. MakeMKV just removes encryption of the video and puts it into an mkv container. Whether you use a dvd or blu-ray it's going to output it's original video and audio in whatever format it was on the disc.

I just verified... I had 25gb and got the 3 extra gb for a grand total of 28 gb. Woo.

+1 Power Stone reference.

I've gotten the ones from Costco and I can say they are pretty darn awesome. They have the lights that do an even "360" degree light so they are good for table lamps or torches which a lot of the cheaper led lights don't. They put out good light and their price an unbeatable.

This. RDP is a way better performer especially in cases where there is little happening on screen. Although 10 years ago when I was still in college, my friend (using RDP) was streaming The Daily Show on campus from home perfectly lag free with sound.

In my own usage, I've found both to be equally as fast. I use both everyday just depending on what I'm doing. For example few sites like iCloud.com are a bit faster on chrome, but I like using firefox for most things since I can use privacy and shopping addons like Disconnect, HttpsEverywhere, InvisibleHand, and

And of course more than just being clever, they were using it the way star wars the movie used it. "You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?…It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs."

Let me just whip this word back from out of the closet.

I too love me some Five Guys. And thankfully, they have one here in Sac now too! I thought I'd have to fly myself to "see my dad" on the east coast once a month, just so that I could get some, but now it's just down the street. mmmmmm

Yup. You sure can develop IOS code using C++. But I don't think not.yet has actually touched any code.

For those who don't want to click through:

I am in total agreement. I have a 2008 Acura TL and while I'm not sure if it's the same for the 2009, the key sequence to lower the windows is press unlock once to unlock the car and then press again but this time hold the unlock button and the windows will lower. You have to keep the button held but at the same time

Your post... it's so spot on. And while I was going to write about all 3 of the things you touched I think instead I'll just emphasize more about the first.

First of all I want to say that I wholly agree with you. Tablets based on their size and limited input options make better for consumption rather than creation.