
@mtfmuffins: Hulu+ is Hulu.com's new way of generating revenue. Essentially pay $10 and get more episodes than the free Hulu.com. Also allows you to use Hulu on devices like iPhone/iPad.

For those trying this method... just be aware that it's only free while in beta. Which it has been for a very long time now.

Oh how I remember Windows 95. How could I not. It came out on my birthday. Yes me and Win 95 share the same birthday of August 24th.

@Coachpatato: And yet I don't care. She, naked, I'll take any way I can get.

Far cheaper? Sanyo Eneloops maybe kick ass batteries, but they are far from cheap themselves. I buy them myself, because they are awesome, not because they are cheap and I don't think Apple's version is much off on pricing.

@Grindhouse Murders: I know it's tough to see(even if you full screen it) but the iPad is on wifi not 3g for the testing.

@freakshowtime: Unfortunately for me I feel the same way, but am doomed to live with it forever.

I was at the Apple iPhone developer conference when they were talking about their premiere partner FutureTap and how they were involved in the design of the Where To app.

@ps61318: You sir, are absolutely correct about Ms. Rai. Just sayin.

@Gotlactose: Yep happened to me. It's explained as the servers were getting bombed last night. Essentially you couldn't connect and there were no error messages for that so you got nothing.

This one is easy enough to answer. Apple is all about as simple as you can make it for the majority of the people.

This one is easy enough to answer. Apple is all about as simple as you can make it for the majority of the people.

@johncon3: Amen my brother. I totally agree with you.

@GangztaX: Ir really may not be 33% faster. But there are other things that make it desirable. The way better camera(and that it has 2). The display that seriously makes all other lcd's look blurry in comparison. Twice the ram. The fact that I can run my phone for 2 days instead of 1 with my old 3GS. (yeah that last

@bornonbord: Oh yeah I use it for tea quite a bit. Whole tea leaves + hot water + 5-10 minutes and voila. Perfect tea.

This also works by doing Ctrl+Shift+Enter. In other words it's just Ctrl+Shift and whatever you use to execute the program.

@Omnimon: I'm seeing the opposite. I'm not surprised that this isn't getting the press that it is.

For some damn reason(at least on wifi) it's faster than the native app. What the insanity is goin on?!?

@jozen: and yet I could. So a certain percentage of people have this not everyone, but not no one.