
Wow! Good luck. Hanging drywall always be sounds really hard, so I’m totally impressed that you’re tackling it. An old Victorian is my dream home. Well, really any home that’s over 100!

House projects, anyone? We’re refinishing our formerly carpeted staircase. It’s a huge pain in the ass, so it better be worth it. Y’all?

Maybe you just have better kids? Kidding. I wouldn’t trade mine for the world, obviously. And if I had it to do over, I’d do it the same way. But do I feel sorry for my child-free friends? No. No, I do not.

Oh no, trust me- it’s a trap.

Thumbs up emoji all the way. Friendly, concise, and appropriate for anyone.

Early spring is lovely, but don’t forget about the soul-sucking heat and humidity of a southern summer!

That’s awesome! I just turned our office/spare bedroom into a guest room. I totally girled it up since I’m surrounded by boys. It will mostly be used by me when my husband snores too much, so I figured I’d make it my girly getaway. Can’t wait to see yours!

Ha! That’s a great description. Purge away!

I’m going to try to plant a few trees too. Most likely that will be followed by killing them- but, by god, I’m gonna try!

That will so nice when it warms up! Cheers to outdoor living!

Moving is the worst, but having a new home is awesome! Hope the move goes smoothly.

I so get you! We moved from a house with one shower that was shared by two adults and three smelly boys. Our new house is twice the size and it is GLORIOUS!! We have FOUR bathrooms! My kids’ bathroom flooded a couple of weeks ago, and it is completely out of commission while repairs are going on, but it’s not even a

Ugh. We sold our house this time last year. It was briefly terrible, but ultimately sooo worth it. I am going to have to skim coat a bathroom, and I’m dreading it! I stripped wall paper and it destroyed the walls and I’ve been procrastinating on fixing it because I’ve never done more than small spackling. Do you have

That is awesome! I am fairly hopeless at gardening, so I’m very jealous. I did manage to keep several plants alive last year, so maybe I’ll plant a few tomatoes and see if my luck holds!

No! Paint is seriously the easiest DIY in the world. I never strip old paint, and I only prime if I’m doing a drastic change. I’m painting my black front door bright red, so I’ll prime with a grey tinted primer. But for walls, just get a good paint with primed built in and go for it! I don’t bother taping either. I

Spring being just around the corner (I’m in the South) makes me project crazy around the house. Yesterday I painted the porch ceiling, tomorrow I’m painting the front door and the porch swing my husband finally hung. And I’ve got big plans for some furniture moving/accesorizing indoors. What about you, Jezzies?

Um, I still wear that.

Joan cusak?

If you take away the boob straps and give it an actual top, that first fluffy skirt is lovely. I want a skirt like that, but it’s hard to justify when the fanciest places you go are Publix and Target.

I wish they traveled to the southeast. I would love to see that!