
TEXT THEM BACK!! A simple, “ I realize that you accidentally texted the wrong number, but now I have to know...” should suffice.

And it's a stupid one for how to make your wall look exactly like Pinterest.

Because he can't drive for six months because he had a few seizures back in the fall. And because I'm really nice.

My husband vapes (and I despise it. Luckily, he’s self-aware enough to realize that it makes him look like a tool.), and he occasionally asks me to run by the vape store for him and I HATE IT!!! It’s always smogged out and filled with trashy-ass tools who think they’re cool. We call it the douche palace. I’m pretty

It won't ruin it, but it will leave you disappointed. I think it would have been almost as good as Cold Sassy if she'd lived to finish it.

The Outsiders and Tex. Everyone loves The Outsiders, but honestly, I might love Tex just a tiny bit more.

That is one of the best books on earth. I used to read it to my kids when I taught middle school and they always loved it.

My tiny baby sister just got engaged! Like, five minutes ago. I'm so happy for her, and I love the guy. I also feel OLD because she's much younger than me (13 years), and now she's old enough to get married. And oddly enough, me, my sister, and now my little baby sister will all have married when we were 24. It's kind

Damn, I'm glad I'm done having kids.

Can she be bribed with pupperoni and a tennis ball?

The more I think about it, the more I like it. I would love to be the doyenne of determining what’s crass. I wonder how much it pays, and where I should submit my application?

Farrah Abraham is repugnant, and she has a delusional sense of self.

I agree. It's not funny or edgy, it's just crass.

I went to a wedding in Georgia with mimes doing interpretive dance to contemporary Christian music. Swear on my grandma’s grave.

So even with all that pretension, it still just looked like pretty much any wedding. And the canopy over the ceremony looked like scotch tape. That is all.

Me! I have such big dreams. I want to give a shit ton of money to help rescue Syrian refugees. I want to load up my sister’s awesome charter school for migrant kids. I want to send all the teachers in my district on a kick-ass vacation. I want to set up a foundation to give funds to parents with medically fragile

Oh, Rexy, you’re so sexy!!!

Damn, I didn’t even realize that. I loved all the articles, and now we’re never going to find out what dress that girl picked. Bummer.

I actually think your dress is really pretty and would like one for myself.

Okay, so this is barely tangentially related, but it’s cute. My husband and I were trying to pick a new chair for our living room. I was telling him I wanted something kind of mission-style, with a wood frame and leather seat. He interrupted me with, “oh, you mean, like, an Aidan chair?” I was like, “exactly, and this