
My first thought was, “As long as they follow this with a son named Emmett and start a jug band.” I loved that book.



I took the quiz, and the description fit my dog to a T. Further proof that he was meant to be mine.

Congratulations! Not smoking is a really great feeling. And pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting is a good reward. I made pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting yesterday for the teacher appreciation lunch at my kid’s school. Then realized upon dropping them off that I had the date wrong and the luncheon is

Therein lies the problem- I don’t think anything I like can be related to it, and that’s probably why I didn’t like it. I like stuff that’s fun and nostalgic. Big fan of 90s teen movies; Dazed and Confused, Empire Records, and Can’t Hardly Wait top the list. I also love sweet, sentimental family based stuff- Steel

I just hated it. Long, drawn-out shots of Channing Tatum doing random, boring things. I spent an hour going, “what the fuck is this movie about????” before I gave up on it. Maybe I just didn’t get it. Maybe it was deeper than I was willing to go. I have no idea, but the only movies I can think of that I’ve hated more

I didn’t see that one.

Based on the Oscar nominations, you are not the only one who thought it was amazing. Maybe I’m the only one who didn’t?

Yeah, I mean, I don’t disagree with you, but that’s what I liked about it. I liked the characters, and the house, and the crossword puzzle race. It’s not action packed, but it’s sweet.

You’re welcome!

The Foxcatcher and Seeking a Friend for the End of the World are the only times a Steve Carell movie has let me down. But I adore Dan in Real Life and The Way Way Back with such fervor that I’ll give the latter a pass. There is no excuse for The Foxcatcher.

I can’t go to sleep. Ever. I can be so tired that I think I’m going to die, but as soon as my head hits the pillow, my brain springs to life. I’ve been taking ambien for the last three years, and I love it more than I have ever loved anything in this world, But I’m trying to kick it because I know it can’t be good for

Love is all there is when I’m with you.....

I really liked the moss wall. Admittedly, not practical, but it was pretty. And I liked the slate floors she put with it. I wonder what the homeowners did with it?

I looooooved Trading Spaces. I was finishing my senior year of college when it came out, and I came home from class to my then-boyfriend, now-husband saying “hey, I just watched this show that I think you’d like...”

Somebody probably told him that it syncs to Alice In Wonderland. So he spent the entire afternoon getting stoned and attempting to play the first song at the exact moment that her dress puffs out as she's falling down the rabbit hole. It's surprisingly hard to do.

I am obsessed with the Titanic. But I don’t have €8,000 for a cracker. I am, however, the proud owner of this amazing folk-art rendition of the Titanic. I paid 5 cents for it at a tag sale. It is perhaps my greatest garage sale find.

That looks delicious. That’s how I know you did not make this in the crockpot.

Crockpots suck. Everything is runny and tastes the same. But it’s convenient as hell. I use it during soccer season, and I have a whole pinterest board of crockpot recipes, but they’re always disappointing. They family is like, what’s for dinner? It smells really good! But then it’s like, meh, chicken crockpot... meh,

If I see one more Facebook posts showing a bunch of ecstasy and a fear-mongering headline of “this is not Halloween candy!!” I’m going to slap somebody. I don't know the current value, but one of those bad boys was $25 20 years ago. Nobody is handing that shit out for free to a bunch of snot-nosed brats.