
That is my worst nightmare.

I first heard Tig’s routine about her diagnosis when someone sent it to me and all I could think bitterly was “Oh, great, just what I need.” I was flat on my back, 5 months into chemo at 33 for breast cancer. I was so goddamn sick of cancer and I wanted nothing to do with still more cancer.

Chanel-lo. Chanel-no.

Watching it back, the clothes make me cringe in absolute horror.

Okay, so this is a really common argument, but it’s fundamentally flawed. Every time people complain about white people and/or men being overwhelmingly selected as “the best” in any given field, there are other people who pipe up about how we can’t help it if it “works out” that way.

“Why Is This Movie” has to be a regular feature please. PLEASE. PLEASE BOBBY PLEASE.

there was an A+ tweet during the golden globes that i am too lazy to find right now which had the perfect michael shannon description

remember “why do you have a beeper? are you a drug dealer?” times were different!

All of this is making me realize that I’m 34. I mean I knew I was 34, but HOLY FUCK I’m 34. I used to be fifty pounds lighter, and spend summers getting blazed at the lake, and giggle in porn shops, and skip school to have adventures...and here I am, sitting in my office...being 34.

In my opinion, Vegas was definitely when it started to go down. Instead of interesting stories (like in Seattle, New Orleans, or New York) , it just became good looking people getting drunk or fighting. No Danny from New Orleans to bring in new perspectives or, hell, even Puck for villainy. Literally just young people

Are you KIDDING? I looooooooooooooooooooved the London season. With Hot Neil! And Kat the fencer! And closeted douchebag Mike and his racing “career” and his love of ranch dressing and his horrible father! And Jacinda with her tongue-piercing and dog-getting! And the race to pay the phone bill on time! And the actual

Sean from RW Boston married that brat Rachel from RW San Fran and now is a horrible conservative republican congressman from Wisconsin.

In the original, now-defunct Real World format, seven weirdos, idiots, losers and racists from various backgrounds were forced to live and work together.

The original Nyc and the San Francisco with Puck. God I am old.

What about Seattle???

Excuse me, MA’AM, but to exclude Seattle in your assessment of best seasons is demonstrably wrong. Not only did closet-gay Stephen smack Lyme Disease Weirdo Irene (my favorite all time cast member, who framed a photo from her colonoscopy and brought it to the house) right in the face, but it also featured two amazing

Last year, at 43, I entered my “I don’t give a fuck I’m turning into Stevie Nicks and The Aunts” phase of my life. Which is not to say I don’t care about my appearance, it’s just more that I’m going to wear what pleases me and is comfortable and I don’t give a fuck about people’s opinions on it.

All fat ladies got for decades: monochrome (usually black), frowsy, boring, shapeless, and designed to cover as much as possible. And now you want to complain that we’re being offered color, prints, design, style, and variety? And you wish we could go back to subdued and black? Come the fuck on.

The clothing industry