
I've been lurking on Jez for ages and of all articles it took this one for me to speak up about...I'm disgusted with the audience and Harvey's reactions. She's so clearly proud of her hobby, the science and art of it should be cultivated and applauded. Seize the day youngin' and don't let the haters drag you down!

Oh, I think the Ginobilli family saga, and if they qualify as Latino is MUCH more interesting.

I hope Gwyneth's kids grow up to be total shitkicking rednecks just to spite her and Chris Martin.

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Random: Do you know "The Bees" by Belly? It's a great mid-90's indie rock song and kind of goes along with your comment. I have nothing more to add here.

Inserting my cat's name into songs that I'm singing along to. "All The Scouty ladies! All the Scouty ladies!" "My Scoutaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun!" "Last Scout. Last Scout. For Scooooout." And since Kate Bush was mentioned, "Running up that Scout! Running up that Scooooout. With no Scoutleemmms"


I am an old. One definition Urban Dictionary gives of "fleek" is "swavy" and this does not help me understand what fleek means...

Who's the real idiot at E?

Macys is chronically on sale or clearance, so what ever

John Oliver is doing a damn good job over on HBO. I mean, that show is SO good!

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Jon Stewart deserves serious props, no matter your choice of political party. He's gotten in more shots on republicans than I could ever count, but we (republicans) are better for it and it's sad to see him leave. He also created a way to do the news that for a younger generation is not just tolerable but widely

Sara... Your drawing style is remarkable.

I'm 95% sure that's just straight-up Eli Manning.

Large, uncut male seeks same. I'm new to NYC and just looking for someone who understands me, has an insatiable appetite for coitus, and likes to cuddle afterwards. Hit me up on Tinder :)

I kept reading polish week as Polish week, in which case I imagine the prep is less manicure and more:

Articles like this are my fave

They're one of the smartest breeds. I've had many poodles and they were/are all very smart!

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"Wear all of your clothes at once," you say?