
Prolly all over these comments, but what the Hell:

I do not want violence to bloody my nation, and I do not seek to promote my values through terror and murder. But it’s true that violence has already bloodied, and continues to bloody the US, just as it’s true that values antithetical to mine—values that I hold to be immoral, anti-American, and corrosive to the very

Hey, if Dr. Loki Skylizard couldn’t even make it past the Elite Eight,* maybe there’s a subconscious bias against doctor names lurking out there in the NOTY electorate?

The losses of Curvaceous Bass in 2014, and of Infinite Grover in 2015, broke my heart into tiny, wailing pieces. But now, in 2019, I think I’ve healed enough from the trauma of dark days to vote in the NOTY once again. And not only am I casting my vote, but I’m casting it for a huge underdog.

i am as delighted as every right-minded NOTY fan to see the legacy of Godfrey Sithole once again honored by the Tournament. But can anyone tell me why was the Sithole Regional replaced by the Fruithandler Regional in 2018? I don’t believe the question was ever addressed, and the people—nay, The People—deserve to

See, now this is an example of this sort of comment done right. It’s unequivocally critical of religion, yet doesn’t seek to plant its flag deep into “you’re all sheeple!” territory. Kudos for making an argument about the inherently problematic nature of religion while steering way clear of anything that smacks of

Forming a union isn’t an act of enmity against an employer, it’s an insurance policy against what an employer might do in the future.

Looks like somebody is looking for an invitation to Temecula...

betis fans are throwing their team under the bus.

Now playing

So, so very much better than the Krokus song of the same name. There’s just something about Lemmy’s voice that makes you listen to whatever he’s singing and think, “yeah, you know what? I don’t want to live forever either!”

Okay, I get that feet are the “in beta” feature of the human body. They go real eccentric, really early in life, and in unpredictable ways. Hammer-toes, bunions, heels as calloused as Kissinger’s heart...there’s some business going on down there, is what I’m saying. I understand that. Feet genuinely seem to have

B-but...the only way to wear flip-flops without showing your feet is to...wear socks with your flip-flops!

Man, this vituperative hatred of flip-flops has got to stop.

C’mon, now. We shouldn’t slap an article with the “cowardly” tag, just because its writer left off one very recent example of the decades-long international pathology that is modern Islamophobia.

*looks at photo of Mamet at top of article*

Preferably one that didn’t feature puppets for half the damn cast...

As long as I am assured that there will be Elvis MODOKs shooting cheeseburger-shaped psi-blasts, I will do anything I can to help this project happen.


That’s the Occam’s explanation to be sure. But I’ve hit weird spots before, like when an article’s writer (Burneko? Maybe?) seemed to get instantly pissed off as hell at a fairly clever comment on their piece. I asked about it, and turns out the commenter was a pretty major Gawker writer back in the day, and

I feel you. My wife was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer 3 1/2 years ago, and we’ve gone since then knowing that the 5 year survival rate is 12%—about the same as rolling an 8 on a d8. The first chemo regimen worked great—until it didn’t, and now she’s on a much tougher cocktail. That’s started to lose