
Not understanding this at all, because the only things I’ve seen from 10 to 15 are hilarious super-sarcasmic bon mots.  That’s cool, though—there’s no need for me to have to be clued in on everything.

Two things that I find hard to believe about that batshit chart:

C’mon, man... We’re better than this. So her last name sounds like “semen,” so what? Stop shooting fish in a barrel, and try something a little more challenging, okay?

Criminally, feloniously understarred.

I was aware of a lot of it, but thank you for the sweet summation!

Yo, this is some fuckin’ poetry, dude!

Didn’t him and Marr-Vell, like, share a body for a time?

Would Deadspin write such an article if say, the EIC at Bleacher Report or The Big Lead or SI or ESPN or Golf Mag stepped down?

Donny, you’re so vain. Your probably think this song is about you, don’t you?

“Well about this time them Duke boys were rigging an election by stealing absentee ballots...”

This is just a reminder that, while his party makes cricket sounds after President Trump exhibits his ignorance of all things trade-related, that same GOP once raked his predecessor over the coals for wearing a tan suit.

Take the kids!

Hang on, now! The goalkeeper’s name is Kepa? So the keeper is named Kepa?

Dick Cheney, is that you?

If Roger the Hutt was still running it, she would have her own show by now.

I’m an Old, so I remember back when comic book movies had their very first real chance to be AMAZING. Not “a pretty good flick that people will see despite the guy in funny underwear,” like Superman. And not just well regarded in a way that says “hey, a comic book movie that actually feels like, you know, a comic

*30 For 30 voice*

Now playing

That hook you jotted down just now, from the opening theme of the Banana Splits show, is pretty much the exact same hook as Bob Marley used on Buffalo Soldier, but at 130% speed. Once you hear it, it can’t be unheard.

It’s not a holy relic. It’s not a leader you trust or admire. It’s not a set of laws, or a code, or an ideal. It’s a flag. And we Americans are the only ones that swear allegiance to what basically amounts to a team logo.

No argument there, but you can’t tell me it doesn’t look fucking weird as hell. It’s a Man In the High Castle sort of vibe when you see it for the first time, no?