
Yeah, you’d def. have a point, had Mr. Thompson not admitted that he pretty much imagined/inferred/erroneously deduced the existence of the flip, based on the crowd’s, and his own, exultation.  Dude edited his post after I asked if I was just missing something.  No way you could’ve known for sure though, so good

Holy shit, Rousey comes out to “Bad Reputation?” The last wrestler I can remember who did that wasTed DiBiase in his good—real good—Mid-South days, when he was a skinny young ring psychology master who was known for loading his glove with a metal plate, walloping you upside your fool head, and then slapping on a

Now playing

With you so far on the bullets-to-Repubs approach—I cannot conscience throwing in with the strategies of James Earl Ray & co. But I have to split with you on the application of fistic justice to the gangrene that is the alt-right.

I feel you, Mr. Thompson. In your honor, I offer 3 different bat flip moods:

Huh. Maybe MLB scrubbed the frames from the clip to avoid having a bunch of joy-hating unwritten-rule enthusiasts from screaming their lungs out in outrage?

Sooo...If the police are white people’s cousins, then that means that security guards are white people’s play cousins, right? I mean, I feel like I’ve got this Blackonometry proof correct, but I may need to have someone double-check my answer, because Professor Cedric isn’t holding office hours right now.

Do...do you have a different definition of “bat flip” than we do? Because I’ve watched that first clip 7 times, and I can’t see anything even remotely resembling a bat flip.

...aaand if the passengers on the left side of the vessel will look out the left windows, you will see that we have arrived at PEAK KINJA!!!

Damn good point. You can’t watch John Wick and not know that the man works hard on his action scenes.

Haha! Oh, you!

al-Burn, you’re a great writer.  But you are but a child, NBA-wise.  Let the grownups talk.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. The history is, if you surround LeBron withgreat, good, or even replacement-level teammates, he wins championships. Take your hobbled Boogie (who LeBron had to have passed on, or the whole “I never got any other offers” shit wouldn’t have happened), we’ll take Kawhi and another ring.

I’m guessing the LAL broached thr Boogie-as-teammate idea to LeBron during their courtship, and the King said, “yeah...naw.”  Otherwise, he’d be a Laker right now.

Holy shit, your username.  Goddamn, that’s the good shit, right there.

True, true... But Shaq conditioning and LeBron conditioning are pretty far apart on the career longevity scale.  

+1 for knowing yr firmament from yr fundament.

Feeling a little Laker Regret, now that your prediction came true? Sorry, no take-backsies. LA has gone from “who would want to play with Kobe?” to “who wouldn’t want to play with LeBron?” in 2 years. It feels like you’d have written this article about Kareem, Goodrich, McAdoo, and Shaq when they came to LA, even

Spoken like a true Phoenix fan.

Understarred.  CRIMINALLY understarred!