
Nah, looks all right to me.

Trick Daddy is scandalously underrated as a force and an influence in hip-hop’s history and evolution. The man was/is gold like teeth on the mike. Sugar water & mayonnaise sandwiches for life!

Dude. The super powers granted by the heart-shaped herb include increases to strength, reflexes, stamina & durability, heightened senses (to the point of seeing in the dark, tracking by scent, and hearing nearby heartbeats), and a near-transcendant ability to always know where your body is in relation to everything

Geezer. Not uncle, but geezer. That dude, 35 years old, but with the -2d4 years of visible age that some *cough* Japanese *cough* folks get, is called a geezer.

Oh, Trump definitely braves the fire (and any AR-15-wielding teens, whether or not he had a weapon of his own) to save Vladimir Putin. Ivanka might represent Trump’s narcissm and self-absorption in a conveniently fuckable form, but he’s Donald J. Trump, inheritor and bestower of the best genetics! Losing her to a

“Lost the plot” is an Australian/British euphemism, which the OED defines as “to lose one’s ability to understand or cope with events; to lose one’s touch; to go off the rails.” Most commonly, there is an implication of an aging, once-quick mind or a formerly relevant, but now outdated mindset, if not outright

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The fabric of space behaves differently for those who can fold, cut, stitch, and stretch it at will. LeBron is an accomplished tailor of our reality.

You’re right. Jordan was like a Kryptonian, whereas Magic had the Space Infinity Stone—one could do superhuman things, and the other shifted where players, the net, and the ball were, relative to each other, making impossible shots probable. (To this day, there has never been a player who could fling the ball up

On the one hand, I agree with you that it’s a brutal bloodsport that’s designed to draw cheers from an audience that’s watching an pre-bloodied, pre-wounded animal get artfully tortured and murdered by a performer for no other reason than the spectacle of the act.

From everything I’ve seen, watching LeBron work his arts night in and night out is the only thing in the sport that evokes what it was like to watch Magic Johnson every game night. Other players of his era had highlights of course, but even being as jaded towards excellence as watching the Showtime Lakers could make

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+1 Batcomputer/Black Dynamite puzzle-solving.

I deeply appreciate your compliment about the decorative toothpick I used to hold together the shit sandwich that I made.

Dafuq did I screw offense for defense that badly?

Does New Gods excite anyone?

[...]the Spartans held teams to an average 62.4 points this season, good for sixth in the nation; Mark Few’s Gonzaga offense entered Boise ranked ninth in the nation at 84.5 points per game.

Yup. Though a high profile exec like Skipper shouldn’t toot his own horn about using cocaine, an arrest-free admission shouldn’t have meant more than just a bump in the road for his career. But ESPN’s record of troubles under his leadership really put him behind the 8-ball with Iger, and now both his job and his

Well then! Care for an after dinner rail? Or a pre-salad bump? Perhaps a mid-meal snort? Any excuse for cocaine, is basically what I’m saying.

[...]but some times good people do bad things, like snorting coke off a hooker’s ass.

Hmm... I wonder if Funko could be persuaded to make Pops of the entire Super Best Friends team from the South Park episode.

IIRC, there are a lot of crazy, stupid details about how spires figure in to building height. Math is involved.