
They do hate us, don’t they?

Fifty-two? Really? I guess we need to sensitize ourselves to the plight of discontented Americans who are cracky, busted and prematurely haggard as a motherfucker. Surely the unmoisturized anxiety of that forgotten segment of—

Now playing

HOW??? How can there be so many comments, and zero love for Slap-Ass and Slap-Ass: In Recovery?

Or like California has famous skiing towns and resorts like Big Bear, Arrowbear, Bear Mountain, etc.

Holy crap, your Kinja handle keeps getting better and better!

Good Bible quotes! And I know that (usually) nobody’s starving at a concert, a NASCAR event, or a football game, and I get the prevalence of ethical gouging, market demand, etc. I’m just salty about paying $6 for a bottle of water.

Digiridoos, accordions, and drum sets owned by enthusiastic, but untalented children don’t count, right?

The lesson here is to steal only when you’re hungry, and to steal cheap food.

I remember that one! Best. Comment thread. EVER.

I hate all these people.

Oh, braVO, billywa. Well done!

Thank you for this bit of magic. Necromancy, clearly, but magic nonetheless.

Every honest comment, from anywhere, about the impact and significance of Black Panther has been moving, and these shouts more than most.

How accomplished and interesting is Donald Glover? He went on the Late Show and talked with Colbert (whose credentials as a huge nerd are unimpeachable) for 10+ solid minutes without either man mentioning that Glover plays LANDO MOTHERFUCKING CALRISSIAN in the Solo film this May.

I sense this post isn’t getting the love it deserves. Which is sad, because it touched me and I found it to be in good taste.

Hmm... Now where have I heard that before?

Eh, I’ve never been comfortable with that term, because it starts with the assumption that “trash” is normally black, or at least not white. So when I hear someone call someone else “white trash,” what I hear them saying is “wow, you’re white (and therefore inherently superior), and yet you’re still a piece of

“Colonizer” is good, really good, and I think it will stick around for more than a few years. It’s certainly better than my sentimental favorite, which I got from Kareem’s autobiography: “Milk bottle.”