
Inorite? If you had told me that a Div. 1 coach was quoted as saying, “I took my compliance girl on a recruiting trip two years ago,” my first thought would be “holy shit, is Jimbo Fisher walking a middle way between Bobby Petrino’s side-piece on a moped, and the rent-a-girl strategy of Hugh Freeze?”

Every time I reference Mr. Kamara in conversation, I find myself being very self-conscious of my pronunciation, to the point of actually visualizing “KAMARA” scrolling from right to left as I say it. I can’t say exactly why I treat his last name with the same caution protocols that I use when words like “hoarfrost,”

Omigod, I cannot BELIEVE the lack of basic education around here! Listen up, sonny, and let ol’ DantleyDeathGlare school you on a thing or two about Coach Wooden and his UCLA basketball Bruins:


Witch, why you gotta bring plumage into this?!?

+1 delayed “...heh. Heh-heh. Hahahaaaa!”

Nemesis, from RE3: “STAAAAAARRSS!”

OMG, I lurves me some Toast!

Genuine question totally tangential to your thought-provoking comment: Is “endealment” a real word in academia?

At first, this seemed to me to be of a piece with the current, cleansing wave of intolerance of sexual harassment. But then I looked again, and holy shit, this is huge. Faculty from within and without a university urging students to *not* apply there? Has this happened a bunch of times before, and I just missed it?

Ms. King is a classy human being. I admire how she shared how hard this was for her, and her affection for Rose and her admiration for his work, without granting him a pass, or delaying her condemnation of his actions until some nebulous, subjective level of provenance was reached, or minimizing the awful experiences

The prequel to Silence of the Lambs. One of the many serial killers apparently in Hannibal Lecter’s rolodex.

...yeah, you’re right. He’s a Goddamn national treasure.

“Be in a relationship with a glass of orange juice, in which you’re the bottom.”

Meanwhile, Marco Rubio is eye-fucking a glass of Florida’s finest: “Ooh, country-style...lots of pulp. Aren’t you a naughty, tart, little thing?”

Why? Why does this always make me giggle like a trio of 13 year-old boys in the 1970s who found a copy of Playboy in the woods??

🎵Never trust a pornstache and a smile🎶

This is the photographic equivalent of an Adele song.