
Holy giant crap in a Hoodoo-sized top hat—Ms. Roem is a G_ddamn AMAZING interview. She’s like the collective fever dream that a team of brilliant, big-hearted, politically astute, socially woke and forward-thinking progressives would have, if they were all imagining the perfect candidate.

Peyton Manning never got enough credit for his audibles repping noted rap god, Lexington McOmaha.

The best 2-on-2 team EVER to play basketball was the secret-code enabled team of George “P-Funk” Clinton and President Bill “Bill Clinton” Clinton in the 1994 NBA Jam game for the SNES. I called them “One Nation Under a Groove,” and they were unstoppable. I was terrible at the game, and I never lost when I played

I can say with absolute certainty that Vegemite is something that only Australians like. It is to you what American football, the Imperial measurement system, fear of universal healthcare, and hatred of paid maternity leave are to my United States.

Well, liches are undead wizards, so Ilitches must be undead financial wizards, no?

Oh God, the Kermit Washington punch on Rudy Tomjanovich. Sweet Jesus, that was horrifying and sickening. It’s amazing that RT recovered (with crazy amounts of surgery) as well as he did.

Holy moley, that is an insanely badass nickname. And story. And son.

Wish I could—that punch was an amazing KO blow. But it was about a woman landing a vomit-inducing nutshot.

Good technique is good technique. If Hitler painted good pictures, I would acknowledge it. His shit was crap though— unoriginal and derivative, and he deserved to be non-admitted to Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts.

Ummm, “telem0rph?” (Blames the fine CA weed strains, as I always do, when called out.)

Taking the punch, shaking it off and reassuming guard: Good point. Only chewing gum and being a loudmouth can build up jaw muscles, and both of those are metaphorical. Well played.

Counterpoint: Worldstar is full of sucker punches, and very few of them cause that kind of crumple. And even fewer of those punch-ees were strength coaches.

Yeah, whether power or precision, skill or dumb, instinctive luck, you can’t argue with that crumple. 

I’m hella comfy with the line being between “dumb CFB player commits assault on a grown man who’s also a strength coach,” and “fucking ISIL.”

Spot-on, escriva. Like I said, his left hand just sort of dangles there.

Damn good point. My bad. Hella criminal.

How fucking hard is it to understand that that’s not your word? Like, nobody’s ever thrown that word at you, or your father, or your grandmother, or anyone in your family? Well, generation after generation of black folks have had that word thrown at them, dehumanizing them, delegitimizing them, and just generally

Un! Der! Starred!

I am confident that if you morphed my father at his prime with me at my prime, and weight-trained us for 3 months, I/we could not hang clean 410 lbs.

Legit observation. But if we drop the sheer power factor to account for that, don’t we need to raise the precision/accuracy factor accordingly?