
Goid point! But then I’m inclined to switch his points from “sheer power” to “accurate placement.” As awful as sucker punches are, they’re still laudable for their precision.

Probably just a crow. Except crows are too smart to lie to the FBI so badly.

I got a lot of hate for writing a similar critique of a punch on Jezebel, but the punching afficionado in me has to note that these are some powerful fucking strikes. Holy shit, Lee’s feet aren’t in anything like a strong set stance, and he has minimal pull-back on his left arm, which seems to just sort of dangle

I wish I could buy you a beer.

Gotcha. My response was aimed at Deadspin writers as a whole, and I swear I wasn’t singling you out for any criticism. Even my Knicks writers rant wasn’t CT-specific.


Those lips doe

A gift bag, thoughtfully placed on the stretcher next to their unconscious form, is also considered tasteful and gentlemanly.

As a Los Angeleno who long ago tired of Eekos writers complaining that they have to stay up past 9:00 pm local time to watch enough games to, you know, do their fucking job, that is EXACTLY what I’m saying, brother.

Deadspin is based in New York?

Stars! There should be stars raining down on this comment!

Um....Cali weed?

Damn. You’re absolutely right.

My nautical knowledge has been exposed as utterly non-existent. They were originally the Kansas City Clippers, so I assumed they were somehow a riverboat-related team. Maybe the Missouri River?

“Fly Dragons” is about as cool a name as you can have for a team. Like, my hometown offers its players the choice of saying either “I’m a guy who lives near lakes,” “I’m an olde tymie Mississippi Riverboat,” or “I’m literally a spark.” In Beijing, you can say, “yeah, I’m like a pimp Smaug.”  

JD, I am all sorts of jealous right now.

Her...excitement? Her fucking excitement about a TV series where her name would be in big letters? That blinded her to the huge and demoralizing ramifications of demonstrating to Weinstein’s victims that even the daughter of Gloria Allred—Gloria FUCKING Allred!— was on this powerful man’s side?

Straight! In! The! Dick!

Yeah, no. There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING even remotely defensible about Creighton’s behavior here. They don’t even have the “we’re a phony-baloney bullshit university” excuse to fall back on, unlike, say, Liberty U. This isn’t just tone-deaf, it’s evil of high caliber, and will rebound on them horribly.
