
Huh. Okay, if I accept that at face value, who should I have put in her place? Like, can you name a billionaire with any name recognition whatsoever who’s less awful than Rowling? The only member of the Forbes 400+ List  that I could make an argument for being a decent human being nowadays is their listed #1, Bill

See, the surname “Sandgren” comes from the old Norse, “sanding-wren,” a type of tree-nesting waterfowl better known today as the golden-eyed duck.

You seem pretty high too.

Well, that settles it, then. John Cena is the Anti-Hogan, the Chosen One destined to team up with J.K. Rowling* to bring Gawker back from the Abyss.

I recently sat down for a cup of coffee and a game of Boggle with a teaspoon of Neptunium 235. Very stable isotope (his dad lived for amost 400 days), and a very pleasant afternoon.

Oooh, “mechachicanery.” Nice term!

I am right there with you in wishing that journos (TV, sure, but print, too) would jettison some of the deferential politeness, decorum, and fake, one-way comity that pulls the teeth out of any interview, leaving only slobbery gumming that just increases contempt for the Fourth Estate in the flinty little hearts of

Hand to heart, every time I see that image, I think it’s something that you can assemble by removing a couple of sheets of die-cut construction paper from a science-activity fun book, and then folding it according to illustrated instructions that are complex, but not too difficult. There is literally nothing in that

When I read your work, I read a great piece of writing, period. Every damn time.

with a big orange knife in his back.

unfortunately, if you put yourself inside an active reactor core, radiation is your new supervisor.

For two different reasons, I’ve always been really uncomfortable with the thought of bathing, swimming, or soaking in waters that have anything in common with foodstuffs or beverages (beyond “just being water,” of course).

Faster than the fucking taxis...OF WHICH THERE ARE FIVE!

You will experience pain in every nerve ending...


Wait, was I really that hard-assed on JJ’s? I don’t like their sandwiches, I think their non-compete clause is stupid and a hella dick move (sandwich-making isn’t some secret art based on propietary tech, and threatening legal action if some 17 yr old you fired for flaking on his shifts later dares to apply at f’n

COTD, motherfuckers!

Holy shit, please, please tell me this is some trolling shit. It’s 2017 fer Chrissake!


Guarantee, if you’re married, that shirt will “disappear in the wash.”