
The Hayabusa doesn’t really want to kill you, per se; it just wants to take you to Valhalla, in a burst of glory and thunder.

You mean out-of-staters? I’m pretty sure that most motorcyclists here in CA make at least an sort-of-conscious effort to note when they’re riding behinda car with non-CA plates, and adjust accordingly. Whether that means being extra-careful with any lane splitting they do, or just steeling themselves for the

Jesus couldn’t even bargain down to the more merciful inverted crucifixion.

I had a huge rant written and ready to go about how “serving trays” appears on the list of verboten item examples, when things like hats, mugs, coolers, keychains, stickers, etc. do not. Then, just to make sure, I Googled “NCAA branded serving trays.

You have fine taste in public infrastructure lighting.

How insensitive. My grandparents were from Alderaan.

Who—Who could even think about doing that sort of thing??

Food is magic, yo. My dad’s Filipino, and I firmly believe that Filipino-Americans have accomplished what is pretty much the perfect assimilation into American culture (familial and ethnic ties are strong, the main Filipino dialects are in no danger of being left behind, cultural identity continues to strongly inform

When you fail to separate yourself from your ‘team’ (sports, politics, almost anything, etc.), you...can’t objectively step away[...]

Hey, having your glasses break is one thing—the rest of the Lego-like segmentation that follows is high-octane nightmare fuel.

Dammit, now I want tamales.

Holy shit. Validation from within the industry.

Now playing

The world needs a good anthology series with a disembodied voice narrating.

That’s a good question, and I know that not every actor, director, or screenwriter is going to be a magical unicorn of a comics fan, like Ryan Reynolds, or the Rock. But comic books are a huge source of material for movies and television production right now, and they have been since Iron Man and Batman Begins—hell,

You’re not kidding about the drivers in Santa Monica, but I don’t think it’s just a case of CDS*. Even responsible drivers, as well as drivers of significant skill (the two groups having only a grazing bit of overlap on their Venn diagram) suddenly enter Gumball Rally mode as soon as they’re west of Centinela, or

Ooh, scent-alike designer perfume knockoffs! The salesmproduct of choice for people who haunt mall parking lots around Christmas time, hauling a luggage cart with a milk crate full of “just as good as!” perfumes bungee-corded onto it.

Careful with that Anti-Life stuff. We wouldn’t want to attract the attention of someone like Darkseid...

Two things:

You magnificent Goddamn bastard. Well played.

Ah, uhh...