
GodDAMN, Jackwagon*, that is about as solid a CotD contender as can be imagined. Bravo!

The Steranko-style art woven throughout these pages is delightful, and very much appreciated. That wide splash panel in the middle of the last page, is what first caught my eye, but all of the art seems to capture the feel, and especially the color pallette, of the 1960's S.H.I.E.L.D. comic perfectly.

I’m sorry.

Sadly, the “morons” you speak of includes your fellow Jezzie’s relatives and friends. Perhaps even your own.

We could definitely use some God-damn Bene Gesserits up in this spice-blow. Maybe if some Reverend Mothers started putting hands in boxes around here, we’d get some God-damned Humans calling shots for a change.

This pic is sooo much better if you assume that the tall, rough-featured messianic figure cradling Trump is actually Rasputin.

Shit. This may go deeper than we ever imagined.

A money booth is a one-person chamber, usually a little bigger on the inside than an old-fashioned phone booth, that has a really big fan set into the base, and is filled (up to your ankles, in most cases) with currency—anything from $1 bills to the rarer $100 bills. A timer starts, the fan turns on, and cash swirls

I think the most ridiculous part of that story is that someone can be in the US 100% illegally and get Food stamps.

Gah. I never knew about the comparisons to my namesake while Aguirre was in college, and it makes Isaiah’s backstage voodoo to swap Dantley for him all the more infuriating. Dantley DESERVED that ring, and Aguirre was nothing more than an ancillary afterthought in the Piston’s offense after his arrival.

I don’t blame you one bit—Machado has the skills, attitude, and charisma to be fantastic, and we haven’t seen anything close to his ceiling yet.

Yes. Thank God you found those ancient Incan menhirs, all arranged in a circle, that lets you compute a solar orbit by shining sunlight through a hole shaped like a squirrel’s nut-filled cheeks on one day per year. You are a kind and generous Calendar God for sharing your chrono-tech with me, a lowly name enthusiast.

Oh, thank God. I’ve been waiting for the NOTY for what seems like forever. Though they’ve broken my heart before (Curvaceous Bass), and then broken, burnt, then irradiated that same heart (Infinite Grover), the NOTYs just hold something magical for me. I... I just can’t quit them.

Ugh, that promo clip. I know they’re going for a pulpy (some would say cheesy) feel, and Sin-Citified pulp is valid pulp, I guess, but...just ugh.

I’m kind of surprised that Big Moose hasn’t been re-concepted as some sort of stitched-together Frakenteen, made up of thefavorite parts of Midge’s former boyfriends. Or that the show hasn’t hinted that the spelling of Pop’s Chok’lit Shoppe points to Pop being a deep, deep sleeper mole for the old Soviet Union,

::singing:: Cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon...

The logical, analytical side of my brain says that your illo went worldwide because it’s graphically clean and uncluttered, compellingly direct in its message, and conveys the visceral defiance of those whose very bodies remain demonized, compartmentalized, and disenfranchised by stone-age idiots whose actions are

The logical, analytical side of my brain says that your illo went worldwide because it’s graphically clean and uncluttered, compellingly direct in its message, and conveys the visceral defiance of those whose very bodies remain demonized, compartmentalized, and disenfranchised by stone-age idiots whose actions are

But grey is so much more interesting. Gray is dull. Bland.

I think it’s more fundamental than that.