listen to the commenters, not the article. be professsional, concise and honest. when you are out, when you are back, and who is your backup or an emergency #.
listen to the commenters, not the article. be professsional, concise and honest. when you are out, when you are back, and who is your backup or an emergency #.
they are repeating what Nasa did 30 yrs ago,
if you are actually pissed off ( i get if you are not a us citizen), write your freaking rep and let them know. is the website, I support EFF for a reason.
LOL. fitness has gotten way to complicated for anyone to follow anymore. everyone has a different idea of what to do and thinks it is best
honestly. why aren’t they handing out complimentary hazmat suits on airplanes? You are in encased in a tube recirculating air with dozens or hundreds of people.
if I can read the damn sponsored content that pays for this site, you can watch the ads for youtube. Stop being a hypocritical cheapskate. There is no need for clickbait titles like this.
why not now?
says you. my church is livestreaming . we’re not stupid.
but how can anyone do that? 4 months is not possible. really, ask yourself this and tell me. 1 month maybe.
as far as I’m concerned, anti vaxxers can shove it. after this I hope vaccines become free and mandatory. If people don’t get vaccines, then they get shut off school, airports, govt buildings, etc. This cannot be optional because herd immunity will have to be the norm.
define set on fire
Thank you so much for the article. The flu itself can be lethal. Get the shot. It is not just for you, but also to protect vulnerable populations by creating herd immunity. Honestly, people were so worried about second hand smoke, and so smoking got banned. This is pretty much the same thing.
This really comes down to communication. Talk to your friends. Know what they like and respect it. And expect the same. A lot of this comes down to people expecting others to be mindreaders and not speaking up.
Just be sure that’s what you really want. Pictures are nice too. I think the issue is here is finding a healthy balance between extremes, and being respectful.
some days I don’t even know what to say
i think angry joe is going to have a fallout from fallout segment on their news show. this game is a train wreck that keeps giving in a bad way.
I think the biggest upgrades were the ones that didn’t involve getting anything new. Pursuing an interest of weight lifting, investing time with kids or drinking water.
you need to elaborate
never know what stock photos get used for haha