
WTF are guardrails?  this is the best they can come up with?

Now I get it!  People work at homes, they don’t have to buy cars.  

what’s a tax refund?

invest your time to learn how to utilize chat GPT, not your money. It makes me see red to think of clueless investors thinking that AI is yet another golden goose.

Thank you for this article, I honestly was wondering what any downside could be, so it is good to know.

Madden isn’t worth 99% off

i will have to look up Ubuntu vs Mint.  I like Mint more than ubuntu right now, but we’ll see how that changes

nvidia blows.  You know what Linus Torvalds flipped them off.  And yes, there is some support.  BUT IN THE SAME SENTENCE AS MICROSOFT LOL.  yeah, I have lost decades of my life to Microsoft support.  I am thankful for it putting food on my table, but not for it taking years of my life off

The Lesser-Known Apps Everyone Should Install on a New Windows best PC app is the Linux OS FTFY


LOL.  Linux mint solves that dilemma.  Microsoft better up its game plan.

No one is arguing electric stoves are bad. we just want a freaking choice about which stove we can purchase.

my computer is held together with duct tape, I just went to linux to keep it going.  Be green people, stop dumping computers because of planned obsolence.

i did.  linux mint cinnamon

all the freaking snark.  I run Windows 7 still.  and there are a lot of people who may not have the money for an upgrade

Now playing

VPNs are a waste. you are just transferring your data from one place to another. especially with SSL. the only place they may make sense for the average person is if they are connecting in a coffee shop

VPNs are a waste. you are just transferring your data from one place to another. especially with SSL. the only place

This is not super embarrassing to me.  Give a comfortable range for you.  you really don’t want to apply for a job that is not going to compensate you properly.

the approach is a little different.  there are easier ways to get resumes out there.  But how anyone could think throw jello out at a well and hope something sticks is beyond me.

Millenials do not know everything about working.  They could stand to learn some things from older people as long as those people are in the current workforce.  Remote always is not possible.