It is interesting. I was going to get on my high horse, and say how can you have another person clean up after you, especially in the bathroom. But then again I should probably help my wife more, so who I am to lay that kind of judgement smack down.
It is interesting. I was going to get on my high horse, and say how can you have another person clean up after you, especially in the bathroom. But then again I should probably help my wife more, so who I am to lay that kind of judgement smack down.
I have to say it because I am a lazy person. You seriously need to consider whether you are being lazy or not. I consider this the ultimate in self indulgence, and not being personally responsible.
that is an interesting thought. I think my roommates would have told me to get my lazy butt and do housecleaning though.
Interesting. I wonder why. Just to give the company a presence on linked in?
That is very interesting. I have gotten very used to having almost no privacy in certain areas. Maybe that's good, maybe that's not. However as to #4, that has nothing to do with LinkedIn. Yes we are more than walking resumes. But that's a different world. You either play the game in the professional in the…
haha, nice. But I don't think that is really a problem. Just ignore it. The worst that happens is that you'll show up on a couple more searches. Plus you can remove endorsements too.
this was my point. don't do that. Its really a waste of peoples time IMHO.
sorry, but how is it intrusive? Just don't share what you want to. Its nothing more than sharing a resume online.
What's with all the linkedin hate? I enjoy it a lot and use it constantly. Most people have problems I think from abusing the connect feature. I listened to linkedin and only actually linked with people I've actually known and worked with. That I find tremendously helpful.
wow. the arrogance. smh.
That's what you get when you have a writer do this. Now for my snarky comment. Why am I not surprised a mac & iphone are his electronic tools of the trade. :)
You learn to live with mental health issues. There are hotlines out there to use. Don't give up. There are more people that count on you than you realize. And if you are using this to troll /get attention, stop it. Its not cool.
as a pro procrastinator, this sounds like a challenge to me.
How about never? Mwaha-ha-hahaha *cough* *cough* #Icrackmyselfup.
That's a problem?
will miss reading your articles. best of luck!
Bad service = bad tip. I'm sorry, usually I'm 15%-20%. But if you ignore me and make me wait forever, its going way under 15%. Yes, I had a bad night out awhile ago.
Bad service = bad tip. I'm sorry, usually I'm 15%-20%. But if you ignore me and make me wait forever, its going way under 15%. Yes, I had a bad night out awhile ago.
hah. says someone who never bought the quick pass to get in front of a Disney line.