
interesting graphic. Good point in the article. But its awfully short.

Very true. But if you don't have hope that things will turn out better, that can make day-to-day life very difficult. As I am sure it is for many people.

Obviously you can't control what other people think, say or do. You can only control your own attitudes, feelings and actions. When you reframe your experience, you still have to accept the consequences. But what happens from that point is in your control.

good point. But I think the trick is how to take responsibility for it w/o it destroying your self worth.

Thank you for writing this. The hard part of failures or screw ups for me is that makes me feel like a bad person, and hurts my self esteem. And I don't think I should. It's one thing if you gave it your best try, its another if you didn't. But saying that doesn't always help.

because he's knocking out tasks right and left *zing*

out of curiosity, since I'm not completely sure how this plays out. Does grilling outside help you save on electricity/cooling bills during the summer? I mean the house definitely gets warm when we run the oven. I just wasn't sure how this stacks up to getting tanks of propane.

nice tip! I'm all about the excel protips. They are a lot of people's lives, as it was one of the few actual tricks you can still impress a ceo/senior mgmt with.

Nice question about what is holding you back. And an interesting blog entry. My answer is that my kids have to come first. They are my crazy enterprise, my biggest gamble and indicator of my success in life.

Very interesting that he failed at 17 out of 20 businesses, and that he is good at realizing what he's not good at. It still would be interesting to know how he recovered, and what were some of the lessons.

woo-hoo! maybe I can finally get badandy@yahoo.com :)

junk mail = stuff for the recycle for charity bins

or for a more socially acceptable thing, carry some arch cards with just a little bit of cash. That is, if you are wondering what the money will go towards.

secret #1: don't have kids :P

Have you ever watched an episode of hoarders? I don't think this tip would stop a dedicated procrastinator.

if one of my relatives needs to add a path variable, I think have bigger problems than that :)

take advantage of this principle. go to yard sales. rent. much cheaper way to get the impulse out of your system.

You still don't need an extra program for this.

Verizon used to be great with a signal, but ever since I went smartphone I have more and more of an issue with the delay it takes from hitting a phone number until the time the phone calls.

yeah, using the phone constantly in the car regardless of what you are doing is not safe. If you are a safety nut, toss the phone in the trunk or out of reach/hearing while driving. Seriously. Yes, I use my phone in the car sometimes too, but it is a distraction no matter how you use it. Your mind for that moment