
edit... “passing lane” not fast lane.

Yes... All minivans!

"Your," not you're grammar is lacking...

Yep... I drove in from a S. Texas business trip last night. Roads were fine. People just don't adjust to the conditions in Texas.... I love the idiots in Suburbans, and lifted trucks that don't understand the physics of a long wheel base and empty truck bed.... They come flying by 5 feet off the ground and end up in

Yep... I drove in from a S. Texas business trip last night. Roads were fine. People just don't adjust to the conditions in Texas.... I love the idiots in Suburbans, and lifted trucks that don't understand the physics of a long wheel base and empty truck bed.... They come flying by 5 feet off the ground and end up in

Hardest I've encountered.... Murcielago.
moohr C-EH lago.... (my best attempt)

5 inches of rain at my crib in SW Austin...