
Breaking Bad had one handjob a year, thank you very much. It was a family show.

Cant believe you brought up the Survivor Cambodia when Spencer and Jeremy chucked the biggest hissy fit of all time to bully Kimmi out of the game. Survivor's darkest moment if ever there was one.

I feel better now, knowing just how low the bar is to get something into TIFF.

I also wouldn't even come close to calling it GOAT. It's good, but it's pushing it to even make top 10.

Penny Dreadful improved dramatically this year!

I'll agree with you there. Django's music was sub-par, (and I think, correct me if I'm wrong, it was the first time QT used original music composed for his films - a little too big for his boots?) but Basterds music I think did well still outside the usual QT genre bounds.

I'm glad you said that. Richter's instrumentals are fantastic. The soundtrack songs that I'm assuming are handpicked by Lindelof are piss poor. Tarantinos ear for music he certainly does not have.

Spencer's big "second chance" he wont shut up about is that he is going to work on his people skills. When you say things like "Joe language" and draw sports pictures on TV broadcast around the world you still look like a dick. He is the most clueless smart person ever. Some things just can't be taught, what a

The Matt episode in season 1 was pretty hard on him, the season 2 one was brutal. I just don't think I can watch what season 3 will do to him.

This show is very challenging as a viewer. It asks a lot, but in the best way. Matt might be one of the most conflicting characters ever - I despise his blind faith because it takes such a tremendous toll on those around him, but his persistence in adversity is admirable. I would have just laid down and died by now if

No I'd second that she was pretty excellent in Stoker, and decent in Tracks, but they are both roles that fit her persona.

Abi is actually playing the Diaz Twine method of Survivor. She's flip flopping all over the place like Sandra, going wherever gets her further - and it's working! She's lasted way longer than expected.

Have you seen his directorial debut? Don't. A mess is an understatement.

Well then that also reflects badly on Joubert for not pulling her up on it. Extremely common on film sets for people to stick their noses where it doesn't belong but that's when the higher ups should be telling them where the line is. Not that it excuses Effie either.

Is Effie a line producer? She is just credited as a producer along with Joubert. I thought they were doing a pair type thing and Effie was just doubling as line producer as well? It's interesting. For Joubert to let her make casting calls (which he does) she would have to be above a line producer.

Effie SHOULD be the one to bring stunt concerns to the EP's including Amato. It's not the play ground where you shouldn't snitch on others - if Effie doesn't not only can it cause death, Effie would never work again. Directors very rarely know when to say enough is enough and it's a producers job to pull them up on

As a young up and comer, De Niro reportedly wanted to do comedy, and preferred it, it was only after he became typecast for Scorsese type stuff that he got stuck in it. Not that it excuses the rubbish he has made the last 15 years, but it at least explains it.

It was so weird! Go to a meeting with Affleck, probably get stabbed accidentally the way he was swinging that around.

True Detective: First Blood, Part II

Shocked that even the amazing Matthew Libatique couldnt pull it up from a C grade.