
Really nice piece. Thank you.

I’m not using anecdotal evidence to prove this case, but I will say that unsympathetic judges are the norm for women in the courtroom in domestic abuse cases. There is an entire industry of advocates for domestic abuse that have grown up around that problem. Your perspective of that particular issue might depend

She heard a violent altercation that went on much longer than a few minutes. In fact, it was her testimony and her comments to the police that sealed the original conviction. There is, as we must all know, an enormous difference between someone falling in a bathtub and someone being thrown repeatedly around a room, in

However, the appeal leaves out the evidence of the girl in the other room who heard the altercation and was told to “forget it.” It ignores the repetitive nature of this situation, where she’d incurred these kinds of injuries more than once. Plus, the bruises are all over her body in various places, including under

If he didn’t have tenure, he couldn’t cancel class. But, I can’t figure out what his status was. I’d guess, however, with the quickness of his resignation ... he’s an adjunct. Only tenured professors are going to cancel class without concern. Those who did likely had tenure.

Thank you. That made me want to scream.

Good grief. If you have enough money to go to this place, you have enough money to find somewhere else to take your child, someone where there are sane people.

He offered a make-up test. The email isn’t printed in full. TBH, the whole email is reasonably sympathetic and gives the students options etc. I feel like he was trying to deal with two pressures. Administration may have said, “Hold the class or be fired.” The students definitely said, “We’re terrified.” I wouldn’t be

I would say administration is making him. He’s probably adjunct.

The downside of that is that, sometimes, their kids get sick, but they bring them anyway, ignoring the ‘sick kid’ rules because it’s their workplace. Then, of course, everyone gets sick, and you pay extra. The place I took my children did that, and the daycare workers got a discount, but still had to pay something.

Clearly, the IUD insertion greeting is now covered.

I’ll buy all of that being true. Absolutely. But, mainly, bluntly, it’s about the money.

As one of the working poor, what I see is the more literal problem of the stress of working so many hours, and ALWAYS BEING AVAILABLE FOR YOUR BOSS. Coming home from work is never, ever really being home from work. Because of the cell phone. As well, many people work more than one job. It’s the stress of constantly

I don’t know. Wish they had more heart and compassion and weren’t so self-centered or lacking in community responsibility?

It might happen occasionally in some places, but with regulations, not really often. Liability is a big deal. Responsibility is also. No regulations means no one is taking responsibility for the situation, one way or the other. The regulation that would have saved his life wasn’t done. So, his life wasn’t saved.

Are you really this stupid? Never mind. I guess you are, if you don’t know that inspections include the landscape.

This clearly shows that regulations are important and shucking them for extra money is a really bad thing.

EXACTLY. Stunning. She’s simply stunning in this movie.

Now playing

I don’t know about “of all time,” but Rita Hayworth is amazing.

He looks a teensy bit less than thrilled. Isn’t this guy getting a vasectomy? I seem to have read that in the first press releases about it.