For the bodystyle it is actually about 50:50 manual vs auto, somewhat helped by the original version the 365GT4 2+2 only coming as a manual.
For the bodystyle it is actually about 50:50 manual vs auto, somewhat helped by the original version the 365GT4 2+2 only coming as a manual.
I agree Leclerc might get a win or two if the Ferrari is better than last year’s (and it can’t be any worse). I think Verstappen might take a few more than wins that that though as word is Honda have been working hard on making the engine better this year. I think Mercedes/Hamilton will still win the title but I…
Same here
A functioning 2 door Amazon for this money has to be Nice Price all day long.
The Ferrari SF90 Stradale also uses it’s electric motor running backwards rather than a reverse gear.
Me neither. Tesla’s original USP was it was a workable EV when no one else made one. It’s USP is now in having longer range but more importantly a much bigger charging network. I would much rather have the Taycan or this Audi than a Model S but at least here in the UK the latter two do not have the same level of chargi…
Can see this in a Top Gear or Youtube cheap car challenge film.
I think the no show for the new BRZ in the UK is related to emisions. Subaru is a small player in the UK so the number of BRZ’s it sells will make a difference to it’s fleet emissions, whereas Toyota can more easily offset the GT/GR86 emissions against all the Priuses it sells to Uber drivers.
I agree with you, we originally were supposed to have a pre trip to the States to look for houses etc this month but that is now May at the earliest and I think that is optimistic. There is also the question of the immigration visa back log that was created by this. My wife is American but even with that there is a 9…
As someone from the U.K. who maybe moving to the States later in the year (if this pandemic ever gets resolved) I’m slightly interested in these as I like the idea of buying a car there that I cannot (easily and in RHD) get here.
I would have thought the team would be more at risk than the other drivers of the car. They would have been wearing full face helmets and fire proof overalls while driving so there is probably a lower likelyhood of transmission inside the car. Outside when discussing with the pit crew however....
One of these was the most profitable car I ever owned in percentage terms. Brought it from a friend who needed to sell it as they were going overseas for £400 with the intention of having it for a couple of months as a run around in the summer, but then changed my mind. Brought new Saab badged front and rear as both…
Hopefully the Sakhir GP is the one they were covering Mercedes.
Sounds a bit VHS versus Betamax minus the involvement from the adult entertainment industry.
While i don’t usually trust things I see on Wheeler Dealers having just watched the episode on the Z3M, I would at least be asking the question on what was done to beef up the chassis on an aftermarket conversion? ND for me.
Traditionally here in the UK, Subaru’s were either brought by farmers / land owners who wanted a station wagon with all wheel drive or (as mentioned above) rally fans who wanted a WRX/ STI, and not really anyone else.
Hell, it even spawned some Opel and Vauxhall variants I totally forgot about until just now.
I’m pretty sure the recent Opel / Vauxhall profitability is as much down to differing accounting treatments possibly around R&D as it is the brands magically becoming more profitable. It’s certainly not down to an increase in sales and they haven’t gone about slashing the number of factories either.
Up to the early 70's they were on a par (and maybe even more prestigous than) with Ferrari. A succesion of owners rather ruined that but the brand still has a certain cache. I really like the recently departed Gran Turismo and Quattroporte V as fast (if not exactly really fast) cars that don’t have the look at how…