
Congratulations, Mr. tromoly, on today’s COTD! I would like to gift you with a Shelby Cobra which the lovely Danica Patrick will deliver after Christmas. If Danica Patrick married Patrick George, she would be Mrs. Danica Patrick George. Or would Patrick George be Mr. Patrick Patrick?

LOL, a Jalopnik commenter complaining about pedantry. Now I’ve seen fuckin’ everything.

You’re missing the point — if we were to use modern tech to essentially re-build a car with Model T specs (20 HP, 1200lbs, zero emissions or safety restrictions, etc) , it could hit 80-100 MPG EASY. Bernie’s fundamental point is that automobile progress has stagnated, and that’s provably absurd.

Are you kidding? Engine efficiency is dramatically better. You could replace that Model T’s 20 HP engine with a 100+HP Ford Ecoboost 3 cyl that would likely get around 50-60 MPG if it had to pull around a 1200 lb car. This isn’t pedantry, it’s just getting things right.

Bernie Sanders doesn’t know shit about how cars work.

Torchinsky for President.


Instead of coal, let’s just give the management that axed this program a bag of dicks. Long, floppy, veiny, horse dicks. Better yet, forget the bag. Just shove them up their asses.

He looks suspiciously like Burt Reynolds...

“Pappa, what does it mean when I look at this car and my wee-wee stands up in my pants?”

Remember when you hit that pedestrian and just drove away? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Maybe you go buy some of these distinctive Milano cookies and this whole thing disappears.

Zero. That number will be the same a year from now, I suspect. I’m genuinely surprised by my own ambivalence, but I think the prequels broke me.

One major reason is that people tend to remember numbers and letters in groups. So for example remembering license plate CKS-9384 is a lot easier than 9C3K8S4. That’s why license plates are usually separated into letters and numbers — and it’s why your phone number is split into three groups of digits, rather than ten

This! And there wasn’t even a “show all” option (unless I’m blind). Sucks to be you if you’re from VA or WA!

In the middle of the property were a bulldozer and a backhoe, pushing against each other, in a redneck game of tug-of-war.

Uh... I’ll just leave this here.


Wait, I thought the purchasable sparrows just looked different. If that is the case it gives me an excuse for always placing 3rd.