
I would like to know what “reading compression level” is. Please explain.

I love that you misspelled Porsche in the dude’s quote, in order to more accurately represent said dude.

No mention of Monsanto’s role in the manufacturing of urine cakes?

i really want to like GTA Online but the lobby system is atrocious and being kicked back to a long voting/loading screen rather than just starting the next game completely boring.

It really upsets me that no single player additions are being made to the game beyond the features present in the next gen versions. I have absolutely no interest in V’s online (preferred what 4 did, but all the power to those liking the experience). it just feels hollow for the most part and would prefer a new

What’s with the rampant amphiphobia? Notice in the video how the salamander was “lurking” in a cave like some evil entity bent on murder and chaos? Why not any one of number of other less evocative verbs like “living” in the cave, or equally evocative but less nefarious verbs like “chilling” in the cave? Or better yet

thanks! this is actually a shorter version than some previous drafts

This is one of the best pieces of automotive journalism I’ve read in some time (maybe ever). Thank you Raph, for digging into this and synthesizing it into a great read.

Anyone want to lay odds that the CF wheels these guys build for their One:1 weigh more than the stock CF wheels...

How does the first (only?) one in the US go to some douchebag tuning company who thinks I’d rather hear shitty rap than dat exhaust?

Or maybe she’ll burn to death in it and he can go all Donner party on her.

His name has 3 fucking accents in it, do you really assume he’s an American?

This is testament to the level of intelligence of said Trans-Am fans.

We all did!

I agree. Patrick George should be prepared for a sick burn.

Top of the line in utility sports, Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!

By 2080, marijuana will comprise 96% of our crop production. I know, because I saw it on the CW’s “America’s Next Top Crop Model”

I feel like these battery explosions are the hoverboards retaliation for us calling them hoverboards.

IS prolly cheaper than all the chain........