So your stance is that men who claim to be pro choice will disregard that when it’s politically convenient, therefore only trust women?
So your stance is that men who claim to be pro choice will disregard that when it’s politically convenient, therefore only trust women?
Sadly, my bike has about an 88 mile range. It’s a total PITA but at least I can fill up anywhere in a minute. I’d trade up for a more functional commuter, but the damn engine note keeps me coming back.
Because if you scroll down on that same page to “Circumventing the Tariff”, you’ll see that the claim that magically things were built in the US again is absurd. Mexico/Canada manufacturing is exempt and many other manufacturers either ship over mostly-built vehicles for “final assembly” or skip out on sending low…
I don’t necessarily agree with his position, but I think the point is under the current system an “R” voter in a sea of blue (like CA) would stay home knowing that their vote “didn’t matter”. Similarly a “D” voter in rural Texas stays home because she knows the state is going red anyway due to the EC. Changing the…