
...and died immediately after.

Now playing

I’d say, like people, it depends on the dog/breed. For example, this dog has an amazing memory:

My daughter is off at law school right now. Every time she comes back from a few months away, I position myself to take video of the two dogs greeting her. (I greet her as well eventually, but first things first.)

True. I had a Siamese for 23+ years until he passed of old age a couple of years ago. That cat would sit at the front door waiting for me to get home and meow and pace as I approached. He wouldn’t stop meowing until I picked him up and greeted him for about 2 minutes. That was it, no more. That was his limit of

As an anecdote, one of our cats remembered my husband after he returned from a 12 month deployment. She is afraid of strangers and hides in the closet whenever people visit, even if they’ve been by hundreds of times before. But when he came home, she went straight to rub on his legs and jumped into his lap when he sat

You take that back! I earned my VP title through pithy remarks during meetings I wasn’t really paying attention to! I synergized the shit out of that vertical integration! I threw away the damn box! I only run on value added processes! Take it, god damn back!

  • Wear sunscreen

Audi’s plan doesn’t address Tesla’s key advantage in a meaningful fashion. They already appear to be behind on their plan for 450 chargers — or perhaps it would be better to say they are fudging their numbers. They claim that they will have 500 DC chargers in 12 months time. They also talk about 150kW chargers and

All of the merits you gave the Camry pale in comparison to the fact that you conveniently neglected to mention. It’s absolutely, disgustingly, heinously ugly and might be the most unattractive car on sale today.

And Cadillac’s engineers were apparently quite adamant about it being “fun to drive.”

Right, that’s what I was (clumsily) trying to say--it’s not market forces or natural business things that’s causing the drop, it’s arbitrary, capricious rantings. And the market doesn’t like random.

Yeah this isn’t even its six month low point. 

So like Alonso’s career it was last useful to anyone in the early to mid 2000s?

A rich white lady with thin skin? Man, I believe it when I see it.

That’s the police interceptor. We’re getting back to the old school roof lights

Dearest Sir, I am a buyers agent for the client in Nigeria and is 2018 Ford Focus Nitrous Blue RS AWD Turbo still for sale? This is not a scam. My client is verily interested and will send the check for the purchase of the 2018 Ford Focus Nitrous Blue RS AWD Turbo to you for $100,000 for the troubles right now. Now

So Trump is DEFINITELY going to go to this warehouse and make some speech about animals destroying our amazing economy and how these workers should be lynched (but not in a racist way). Meanwhile, Democrats will wring their hands and say they support the message of the workers but not the incivility of walking out on

If you want to anger Mike Pence, form a union.

She’s not fine, she’s a soulless sack of human excrement.