Welcome to Jalopnik. Express your opinion about a topic that is different from the hive mind and get ridiculed. Express your opinion about quality of staffs’ writing and get grayed out. Because comments are not for expressing opinions.
Welcome to Jalopnik. Express your opinion about a topic that is different from the hive mind and get ridiculed. Express your opinion about quality of staffs’ writing and get grayed out. Because comments are not for expressing opinions.
Strange you would wonder that as the 124 uses completely different engines.
I guess you’ve never heard of Spec Miata.
I’ll but one when all of that materializes into a production model.
Do bloggers move to NYC just so they have something to whine about every day?
Silly Lexus, trying to be a Ferrari.
At least it didn’t wipe out innocent bystanders.
Not all classic German cars are though. My ‘01 M Roadster (1 of 7) seems to be holding steady.
What happened?
That is perhaps Teslas biggest and least of problems (depending who you ask).
It’s funny how the haters consistently point to “reliable losses”. There was a time when the bears reliably said the same of Amazon, Netflix and Apple.
And leaving shopping carts to roll instead of putting them away where they belong.
Look at the big pair on this one. How dare you question/critique Jalop writers? Don’t you know how fragile this lot of young’uns are? I’ve been a reader since the beginning with no issues but sent to gray purgatory twice within the last 6 months.
Also sad poetry that Harely, the darling of the state that voted for Trump, is being threatened by him.
When you have an Macron addiction, your world turns upside down.
Would be nicer if this new Blazer gets the Equinox’s diesel option.
Elon is a bit late to have that title. It’s already taken by the orange asshole in the White House. Oh, BTW, I’m not thinking of the Sith Lord in the Star Wars universe. But, who the Sith Lord would be in the Spaceballs universe.
I think both sides are overreacting. So is the media that amplify every little thing about Tesla, good or bad. By tech and car company standard, Tesla is relatively young. And what they are going through now is the sort of growing pains that no one gives a rat’s ass about when it’s about other companies of the same…
Reminds of what Apple went through when they thought Jobs was out of control. And, the replacement nearly ran the company into oblivion.
“Civic Insight” would’ve been fine. BTW, I believe “Civic” came from “CVCC”. Which stood for “compound vortex controlled combustion”.