
Maybe she’s just relishing a headache.

Engineered, for the farmer’s market.

Camry driver... I want to say “go figure”, but then realized maybe this person is trying to kill a Camry for the betterment of mankind. Zero or hero?

So you’re suggesting your sample of 3 cars represents the entire global auto industry?

Let’s see... it’s almost 2018. You’ve named a ‘97, ‘01 and ‘03. What’s your point again?

In case you didn’t know: cars have had self-sealing tanks for decades.

Yup. Boondoggle.

Spoken like a true tiny penis expert.

An excuse to go to Vegas, party and pay the strippers.


A larger penis couldn’t get you to work and back.

“Does it come with pre-installed babes?”

This. Mazda caught flak recently when they published their well-to-wheel view on electrification and future of mobility. They are not wrong. In parts of the world, majority of their electricity comes from burning (mining and transporting) coal. In the US, over 50% of the electricity comes from burning coal and natural

Tesla’s success does not hinge on the car, but infrastructure: electric generation, storage and charging. All three areas it has addressed in its ecosystem of products... which none of the mee-toos have yet to address (including the automakers with near or over 100 years of history). This is an important distinction

Neither does Lyft, but Uber’s own unforced errors (bad press) doesn’t help.

My internet connection crapped out during the national anthem (Playstation Vue). Was there a flyover? What do you all think of the corny opening ceremonies?

You didn’t read the rest of the article or the original (linked) Automotive News article did you? They are well behind.

So mighty Toyota didn’t set up their EV division until a mere 11 months ago. Say what you would of Tesla, but they did indeed shake things up when it filled nearly 400k preorders of a virtually non-existent car in short order.

No curb avoidance or Cars & Coffee mode?

No one seems to recognize this obvious fact: controversy generates hype and visibility, which boosts viewership. F1 stewards are inconsistent for two reasons. The other being they are human and imperfect as such.