Does this flurry of Franken apologists have anything to do with the fact Tweeden is right wing? None of these stories are about her, they’re all about how “clearly” sorry Franken is, and giving him a pat on the back for admitting it.
The story is not ridiculous. There’s photographic proof of sexual harassment. Also, Franken did not request the ethics committee:
Just out of curiosity, do they delve into any of the other racial stereotypes in the Simpsons, like Groundskeeper Willie or the Italian mobsters?
“little thought has been given to the Apu character beyond the accent, that Apu is his ethnicity (and a blatantly distorted one at that) and that’s it.”
I’m a sucker for someone moving away from their desk to talk to you. That’s good management.
I wasn’t crazy about the whole “it was all a dream” format. I WAS pleasantly surprised at how Macfarlane apt is getting the Kirk-ian mentoring scenes.
No, you’re not. But keep telling yourself you are.
She said,” It’s vital that people are held accountable for their actions, no matter who they are.”
Shouldnt he resign? or do liberals get a different set of rules?
Did anyone really expect Al Franken to be any different from any other privileged Hollywood jerk? Perhaps the voters in Minnesota will drive him from office. I doubt he would go on his own.
Really? That’s hard to imagine for me. I may not recognise people in their grown up version if the last time we saw each other was as kids but I do recognise them at the time I knew them and I certainly recognise myself. Maybe I just look at photos form my childhood more often than you.
SO... the basement setup with the handcuffs means the instructions included having Tyrell appear as if he were a hostage who escaped and tried to stop the plot, yes?
Well, yeah. They wouldn’t dust off an article that’s old enough to drink if it wasn’t.
Or, “I initiated physical contact but decided 20+ years later I was raped because, hey. Money!”
Just wait, they’ll picket Websters until they get the dictionary definition changed to “any physical contact I don’t initiate.”
“We’re sick of all these books about straight, white men! There needs to be more diversity!”
She’ll be fighting the Shaz-bots later in the season