
In Toronto, you can achieve the same effect by going over a homeless person at the right angle.

The car also comes with complimentary copies of Led Zeppelin III (on vinyl, of course) and a dimebag from the guy behind Piggly Wiggly.

@Dhillaz 2.0: I have to say, of all the comments I've read today, that was the funniest.

I like Rob. He's not some asshole. He just likes to have fun.

Nope. Leeena is wrong.

@Leeeeena a Jalopchick: Did you know if you sniff Purell for too long, you get drowsy and you get a mad headache? It's cause it's 62% alcohol. I learned that from experience.

@pj134 do you know what a Wawa is? : No I do not know what a Wawa is, cause I'm not a tool... or from Pennsylvania or its surronding areas. Thanks for pointing that out.: I drink good beer. What can I say?

@FromaBuick6: It's been S H O for about as long as I can remember.

Good to see you around again. I didn't see you for a while after 2.0.

According to this map, I don't exist.

I like number 1. The most Jalopnik of all. (If any n00bz don't get it, I suggest the Jalopnik wikipedia page,)

That's a pretty damn good road by Toronto standards.