I believe that the key is..... not everyone is you. Each person has different skills, different hand-eye coordination, different vision, different reaction time, etc.
I believe that the key is..... not everyone is you. Each person has different skills, different hand-eye coordination, different vision, different reaction time, etc.
You are now consciously aware of DNA as a mathematical phenomenon.
I meant to start after I beat the game on Survivor+.
The movie tie-in video game curse continues :D
This is how I always imagine video game eating.
Man, the Tony Hawk series used to be so damn good. Just top-tier games.
I was gonna say "how do you fuck up a skateboard? its 4 wheels and wood" then I remembered....the horror came rushing back.
Guy was an old bigot, no question about it. But should this Olin guy be fired simply for expressing his opinion on the matter?
I think part of it comes from the fact that most people making RPGMaker games care more about their story and building the game than they do about going through and actually making it a balanced game. A lot of RM users are, after all, fans of old school RPGs, and when they remember those games, they probably remember…
an rpgmaker game being shitty? first time for everything i suppose!
He was streaming that night and ended up falling asleep for some time. I would look up the vod for you but I'm too lazy. At the point where he was sleeping I think he had like 17,000 viewers.
Gary Busey! I have a few questions for you about your upcoming role in Hellraid.
Nice, this looks way less like Elder Scrolls to me, and a lot more like a modern update to the Heretic/Hexen franchise. I might be the only person on the planet that generally enjoys most of what Techland has released (save for CoJ: The Cartel... what were they thinking?)
He could wear a brand new hat every day, for the rest of his life!
Truly, this is a game for jerks.
Presented without comment.
lol penis
Meesa don know what you could possibly be refering too.