I feel like this exact same article came out regarding this when TNO was released. It’s okay it’s just a joke, play w/e you feel like playing on.
I feel like this exact same article came out regarding this when TNO was released. It’s okay it’s just a joke, play w/e you feel like playing on.
every time someone makes the comment I laugh because I feel the exact same way. Can’t believe I bought into the hype and dropped $30 on something so incredibly broken.
just enjoy the dumb show about people with weird hair punching each other.
I know those designs would be a giant pain/ very expensive to draw, but dang, the 3d isn’t the best. Some of it looks cool, but maybe when they did the character close-ups and stuff they could’ve gone over and added some “human” touch-ups?
Also the framerate I guess is sorta typical animation stuff, but with the 3d…
oddly enough, whenever I get stuck in a frustrating part in a game, I lower the volume as much as possible and try again and that generally does the trick ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“haven’t read the whole article”
I’m hoping it takes long enough to come out that A) I can clear more of my backlog and B) The Switch gets a price drop.
oh yah you’re right, and it has 1 slice of pepperoni just like normal pizzas do.
I have severely under-updated tumblr at lazergunchillin.tumblr.com, most of the work I’ve been doing lately is freelance color work for an indie comic. Thanks, and if you wanted to take a stab at sculpting this, go for it! I know a few people have gotten this tattooed on themselves already 0__o
hhhhmmm thats a good idea and something I need to look into. Thanks!
So over the summer I found out Shutterstock ripped off an image I drew that went like small-time viral, and I kinda just found it funny. I mean, really, who’s gunna buy a stock image of a pizza skull!?
kids, don’t use haxx. companies, don’t sue kids for haxxing.
the character designs from this most recent cartoon are just so bland, and the actual 3d render stuff is like impressively unimpressive.
so is this is like a normal rail shooter where they like attack you if they get close, or do they just stand their waiting for you to shoot their clothes off? I’m so confused o__o
I remember when youtube was cool and didn’t block videos by region :’(
If I was getting paid minimum wage to animate cartoons, I’d probably be pulling the same nonsense too
so I’m doing the standard internet thing of not reading the whole thing before replying (I’m at work sorry! I shouldn’t be replying at all x__x) but honestly in regards to this line “Middle-of-the-road titles that weren’t particularly popular - your Army of Twos, Medal of Honors, Bloodraynes, Spider-man games, Tony…
but we already know EA meddled with the Dead Space franchise, pretty much forcing in the multiplayer and microtransaction stuff that appeared later in the franchise. I sincerely doubt any game developer would want to add in a ridiculous loot crate system unless they themselves were directly benefiting from the sales…
this is neat, but their new Need for Speed game pretty much has the same loot box system in place. Are they going to keep it there? I know obviously that title isn’t as big as this one, but it’s a crummy practice all around.
EA hears you loud and clear and will now be splitting each game mode into it’s own separate package, complete with an exciting and progressive pricing system.