that’s amazing! Also Shoshana is the best, I’d 100% buy a Shoshana plushie


oh wow, this Gigantic game looks pretty neat actually, but I don’t remember ever hearing about it.

oh no I’m with you 100%. I love ridiculous lore.

I haven’t finished TNC yet, so I didn’t read the article for fear of spoilaz, but was it mentioned that you fight the Cyber Demon in Wolfenstein RPG?? You end up shooting off the limbs that are later replaced with cybernetic stuff in DOOM.

and the 2009 reboot had a online web comic thing that explained/caught up the plot of the first 2 games.

*nerd voice* technically the DOOM Marine has already fought Nazis in DOOM 2.

*grizzly old vet voice* “Lost a lotta good men that day at Omaha Beach, I’ll never forger their sacrifice...I’ll also never forget the shitty dupes in my loot box, I was trying to get the rare gold skin but kept getting that common trash”

minimaps are fine though? I guess it depends on the game, but in something like GTA its pretty much necessary.

I would say Wolf2 but Comcast is trash-tier d00d00 and my download is currently going at a whopping rate of 200kb/s :|

right? and it felt weird that in a lot of the missions, you’re essentially just pulling off pranks on people via hacking stuff...but you have the option to murder the security guards or whomever that are guarding the place o__o.

Yea, I felt like the gunplay felt way out place in the game too. The game only gave you two non-lethal guns too, which seemed strange to me. Marcus did not strike me as the kind of person that goes around murdering everyone.

As cheesy of a movie as it is, I felt like the game needed a story similar to Hackers, where

yeah I think I read somewhere that it’s an FPS focused on duel based gameplay (1v1) or something like that.

Loved the characters of WD2, although I do wish the story was better, it never quite seemed to kick into gear.

We’ll here’s how I feel about Loot Boxes :

so I’ve only recently gotten into watching Twitch stuff, but I thought it was specifically for video games??

the PSP had a pretty dang solid line-up...

wellp, it’s time to get a Switch I suppose.

I liked Smackdown 2 on PS1 a lot back when it was still a new game. The recent games are just bleh though.

IGN gave DOOM 2016 a 7.1. IGN can get effed.