Mafia 3. Surprised the game was received so luke-warm by audiences, I really love it so far. The game itself is fun, the world it creates is believable and interesting, and the soundtrack is really great.

I almost bought Until Dawn last week! This is a good month for me.

...this is a feature I didn’t know I wanted until I read this comment.

Raising a shit ton of money and losing is cause worth celebrating for?

yikes, I didn’t realize this was a Kickstarter project, I thought it already had a publisher and everything. Hopefully it works out, I love the concept.

look in your history books were not challenging nazis leads us.

this is actually pretty dang neat, although there really isn’t any games I know of that’d I’d actually wanna do this with (not really a Halo guy).

BJ looks a little....off in that screenshot doesn’t he?

I just got Watch_Dogs last weekend for PC and I actually really like it. Not as good as WD2 in terms of gameplay, but I think the game got more undeserved hate because of the E3 video situation than anything else.

the animation is pretty good, but the faces themselves still look kinda off.

I enjoyed the first one well enough when it was a PS+ game (lol remember when PS+ gave out good games), so I think I may pick this up once there’s a “ultimate all dlc included” edition.

Google your first name + the hedgehog and post the results

you can get Aiden’s coat from the first game, other than that, no trench coats :’(

its one of the very few games I ever pre-ordered haha.

No insta-fail in WD2, if you get detected, you just get into shoot outs with the enemies and they call in re-enforcement. Most stealth sections can be done with your RC Car/Drone.

its me, the one guy that likes Kane and Lynch :)

Watch_Dogs 2 is really good, and while there’s a bunch of shit to run around and collect, most of it is optional, but it’s still actually fun to do, the multiplayer bits are a bunch of fun, and the story is hardly there, so its easy enough to ignore. I really love the game, also if you wanna get it for PC, you can

wow, this freakin’ figures, I just bought a copy of GTAV last week and it didn’t come with any meth >:(

The new name is PreyScrolls.

this post is playing with my heart :’(