Brian Ashcraft has the best taste in music on this site :)

nah, Shovel Knight may have a “retro” pixel art aesthetic, but it’s clear to just about anyone that a lot of skill went into crafting the games assets. Black Tiger clearly shows a lack of skill or effort in just about every aspect.

thought it was one of those spider robot tank things from Ghost in the Shell, the designs are pretty dang close.

wellp, no comment is going to be better than this, we can all go home now.

I am absolutely willing to vote for Gabe in 2020, could you imagine the hats??

yea! now go give an award to Katy Perry and silently disappear

And here I was thinking “oh the Switch has some neat games but I can probably skip it” Then y’all gotta go and throw a new SMT on there?

if you have an escape option available, now’s the time to use it man. Although if you came from Europe, there are some dumpster fires across the board that look like they’re about to ramp up soon too, so =/

its kinda evil, but I’m honestly thinking of tracking and archiving gofundme campaigns of people who need medical expenses covered but also voted for Trump. Like some super high level schadenfreude shit.

Pretty sure there was a vote on something like this in California right before the election, because apparently Veteran’s groups DO negotiate with drug companies over prices, so the idea was allow the same negation process for everyone.

oh a sarcasm detector, that’s a real useful invention

goddammit I had the same joke

thought this was Christian Bale from American Psycho for half a second. Not sure if that’s a positive or negative for an election tbh

I’m honestly way more worried about a third term. Like I know *right now* it’s not possible, but I mean...

yep, I’ve been thinking the exact same thing.

not surprised by Tracer being in the lead, but I would’ve thought Widowmaker would be a close 2nd? Maybe it’s the purple skin?

the DLC for Kingdom Hearts II.9999 reMIX ULTimatE is ridiculous.

rosebud was written on his childhood sled.

I was just watching a video on SGI workstations yesterday! What neat looking, insanely expensive computers! Very interesting stuff.

is the mosaic still there in VR?