yea didn’t some guy get death threats over MP maps like 2 years ago? I feel like this is more of a response to that “please don’t make death threats to us”

eww, please no. this is a few steps above “American Akira” in the movies I hope never actually get made category.

oh man, I just laughed pretty hard at that. Terrible day at work made slightly better, thanks internet-commenting man!

so we’re going to need season passes now to watch a complete movie?

hmm, that ones hard to say, because the “cult of Gaben” is pretty strong, but I suppose it’s a possibility.

ah cool, didn’t know that.

big difference being we have a pretty large Spanish-speaking population in the US. Hearing a song in Spanish on the radio is pretty whatever considering we have Spanish language radio stations (well in NJ/NY).

oh dang, I didn’t know what, I’ve been to Kinokuniya before too

to be fair, it was pretty big, it even got airplay in the US, which is pretty cool for a Korean language song.

hey howza bout some N’Shukugawa Boys? They’re pretty fun

haven’t played it, but it was one of those things were no matter what was delivered, it wasn’t going to be worth the 15 year wait, the hype killed it, buried it, and then resurrected it only to murder it one more time.

Prey 2 is heartbreaking. Prey was such an innovative and well-made shooter.

“we need a large scale investment for a new Olympic-sized Jacuzzi, the next MGS game is gunna be a mobile based microtransaction shit show”

not rotoscoped :)

how can you tell they are from Spain?

I’ve never cared for programs and music sales on Steam, and movies less so. It seems really out of place and I can’t see what the benefit is for customers.

this comment will prolly go unappreciated by most here, but I just wanted to let you know that it’s solid A+ stuff.

this is true, but that looks like the drew on an overlay (new layer in Photoshop/MS), with a few minor alterations in form. It’s a bit too close for just a copy.

for about 10 minutes, then they all forgot when he released more terrible music the world loved.

yessss! I just saw that movie for the first time about 2 weeks ago. Pretty impressive effect for a 70s movie (also great movie!)