oh dude, if you still have a Vita, this is the perfect excuse to pick it up again. It utilizes all the Vita’s features pretty darn well.

but not even ALL the new colors that Japan is getting/ already has x___x.

Vita version. I doubt it costs more than $20 at this point and that would be $20 well spent.

or maybe because they are in school?

proof that God exists, because he wants you to enjoy MGSV and Fallout 4 properly :)

and not everyone can “rethink life choices” unfortunately, sometimes you get stuck in a spot in life and the only option is to ride it out.

I never minded the combat in the Diablo games, and people still like those.

I was about to mention this. I never actually got to play Syndicate, but the concept always really intrigued me, so I’m super interested in Satellite Reign since its a more “modern” version.

the new X-Com comes out in a couple of months brah. It's only one game, but its one damn good one.

Wasteland 2 has this more or less covered :)

...like a good amount of people.

A man walks into a bar with a pair of jumper cables, the bartender says “i’ll serve ya, but you better not start nothin!”

I wonder if it’s getting a pass since its Yuri?

It’s not really a “high horse” issue. It’s just something I didn’t feel was necessary in a game review, and I found it came off rather annoying. People are absolutely free to disagree with me, but I don’t need to “can it”.

He more or less is though. He could’ve hit on every other point in the review without that initial paragraph and quote from his friend. Regardless of the purpose, the opening paragraph is a complaint about getting paid to play a game. I find that incredibly annoying.

the opening paragraph is you complaining about getting paid to play and then write about a video game.

I think they learned already?

Do what you want, it’s your fucking money.