as someone who draws digitally like 99% of the time, I am not hating on digital, but I can almost always spot the difference between digital and analog illustration. There are major differences in the processes, so of course you end up with different results. One isn’t really better than the other , but I think when

well you probably should’ve read a bit further. It isn’t “completely false” because its an opinion, beyond that, I further expanded on what I meant in like literally the next sentence -___-

So I was thinking about this since yesterdays post about the crappy-ish quality of the new DB.

this seems fun/cute, but next thing you know they’re gunna take over Poland..

according to Wiki, Grin closed, then former employees formed Overkill.

there’s a weird sort of irony about a game dev company named GRIN going out of business when only a few years back, an entirely different game dev company called Grin went out of business x___x.

meh, they’ll fix it for the DVD...right?

oh shit..Johnny Knoxville... whats that guy up to nowadays?

If these tweets were sent out on specific dates, while most of the time tweeting regular PR stuff, I guess the person running the twitter is just anti-Japanese? I wonder if the person running it is even in Japan..

Mafia 3’s New Orleans looks so amazing that it makes me want to go and find some live music or people-watch or go for a drive and find something interesting”

I dunno, I backed this game and I’m not really worried. I can certainly see why people are upset, but it’s always better to ship a better product than something broke and try to fix it later.

always wear deodorant, Comiket or not...

how does clickbait work in print tho?

the problem with old N64 games is finding them with box is difficult/expensive, and the completionist nerd in me won’t let me just buy a cartridge. I can’t do it.

I was Playstation kid through n through, but I played this game once at a demo kiosk at Target and wanted it so bad. I have an N64 now, I guess I should track down a copy of this.

honestly, what’s really the benefit? Developers maybe get to find out about bugs earlier, but the game itself shorten’s it’s lifespan because people have been playing it for pre-release for awhile. Even though Msoft is saying it won’t allow developers to slack off and not finish, I don’t really know how far we can

Kroll Show was under appreciated

if true, pretty much 0 respect for her...

let me throw out some crazy videogame hardware slash fic for y’all...