if you dont wanna track down a dreamcast or xbox, you can always just watch a playthrough on youtube.
if you dont wanna track down a dreamcast or xbox, you can always just watch a playthrough on youtube.
thanks for the detailed response! i haven’t actually had a chance to watch the videos, but I appreciate the detailed analysis, I’m hoping to get into 3d modelling one of these days.
do tell.
Kojima is probably slapping himself for not including panty shots in MGSV right about now.
they were really bad too.
if Crisis Core is anything to go by, there will be a new script, and it will make zero sense.
this is super untrue. I was about 8 when it came out, lots and lots and lots of people actually played it and really love it. I knew people in their teens who loved it, and I knew people my age who loved it.
I really like that shirt.
as great as the PS conference was last night, they only said the word Vita once :’(
well, thats some beautiful looking concept art, so hopefully the game can deliver.
its a glorious shame I feel.
......Bullet Witch.....
I was also thinking about that game too. Just googled it, it’s called Tomorrow Children, funny I was also thinking it was called “Tomorrow People” :P
no. that was a shared dream, it never actually happened.
you and 49 other people :P
that happened once to me on my PS3, I was so confused. It played like half the movie and then just randomly was like “ you don’t have the correct license to play this file” and wouldn’t play more...
“Rather than FF7, I want to remake my student days.”
but its lacking one thing the Illusion games have...